Take Attention To Four Unqiue Functions Facebook Will Soon Have
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Take attention to four unqiue functions Facebook will soon have

While Facebook Developers Conference is over a week, but I can not get rid of a feeling, I feel it symbolizes the history of the Internet is an important moment. Recently google + officially open to the public, which will undoubtedly bring huge change to social network, Google + in social networking services, has been introduced, Facebook obviously felt the pressure it brings, and now F8 will be held soon, facebook itself and there are many new features on the line, it seems facebook can win, but Google's current attack, was a clear provocation to facebook, whether Google + open to the public how the recognition, at least has begun to let users have their own choice. (useful software: ipod to computer transfer )

Here is a look at what else we might see this week from Facebook.

Social Music

Facebook may announce an on-site music streaming service, possibly in conjunction with streaming music service Spotify. This wouldn't be much of a surprise--after all, just a few months ago we were hearing rumors of Spotify actually launching in the U.S. via Facebook (Spotify later launched in the U.S. all on its own, but still).

Facebook and Spotify may still collaborate, in an effort to make the Facebook website "stickier." I think this is unlikely to make Facebook much stickier--after all, it's not like you can't use regular ol' Spotify and browse the web at the same time. So, unless Facebook manages to make some sort of deal with Spotify--no ads, perhaps?--I'm not sure how it will help.

Social Movie Rentals

In another effort to make Facebook's website "stickier," Facebook may officially debut a movie rental service. Facebook has recently been experimenting with movie rentals on its site, and penning deals with big studios, but now that Netflix is going down in flames it might be the time to really strike.

Facebook started its movie rental service back in March with Warner Bros' Dark Knight, quickly following up later that month with five more Warner Bros titles. And just recently, Facebook added 20 titles from Miramax. If Facebook announces a movie rental service it'll be nothing new, but if Facebook announces a comprehensive movie rental service--that'll be something.

An iPad App

It's hard to believe, but the world's most popular social network still doesn't have an official iPad app. That's right--if you want to use Facebook on your iPad, you have to resort to third-party apps such as Friendly for iPad.

An Instagram Killer

We've been hearing a lot about how Facebook wants to get in on the Instagram/photo filter craze. In June, TechCrunch reported that it had received a number of images and documents relating to Facebook's plans to launch a standalone photo filter app that would supposedly be a mix of Instagram and Color, two popular iPhone apps. Last month, anonymous Facebook engineers told the New York Times that the rumors were true.

Of course, in June we also heard rumors about a secret Facebook project called "Project Spartan." Project Spartan is supposedly an endeavor to create the entire Facebook site in HTML5--so, instead of seeing an iPad app, maybe we'll just see a totally revamped mobile website.

As we all know, Google is a very strong technology company, it should be a very easy thing to develop a social networking product for it, but why it choose this time launched Google +, rather than earlier? Currently, social networking problem is that every time you add a new network, must create a new ID, and then re-add friends, so every time we consider the time cost of inputs. You must also create a large social network, and then take the time to take care of them. Taking into account the dominance of Facebook in the Internet, we do not have the kind of lazy to the point, so do not take time to think about what part we are willing to share and what is not.

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