Beggars Are Indian ?
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Beggars are Indian ?

         Every Year Govt.of India has expensed a lot of money (minimum thousands crores) on Rehabilitation of Beggar but day-by-day begging problem is increase in our country. In this scenario many questions arised where money has expensed or gone. Who are responsible that for that not properly executed the program? And why not he has punished? Begging is showing disbalance community development in our country. It will born so many social problem in our country.

When we are dreaming and forecasting year 2020 and think India will  a nuclear power and strong economy in the world in this aspect it is very necessary to see where we are at present stand.

  Begging is the result of failurity of Govt.schemes and program for urban or rural unemployed. All are known about MNREGA, SGSY and many other schemes all are failure scheme but Govt. is not stop or rectify in this type of scheme because this scheme is main sources of ruling party working fund.

In compare of other states begging is a vital problem in eastern states in our country. We know all are Indian those who are live in India without caste and religion bar and they take benefit from all Govt schemes then why unemployed youth, women and child are begging if Govt. Women empowerment, MNREGA has successes. A mass of population including beggar has not benefited from Govt.



*Skill Development

 *Pension Scheme

*Enterprise Development Scheme


*MSME Scheme

After the 60 years of freedom when we are facing begging problem and Govt. have  Not any concrete or full proof plan for "Stop Begging" and form a "Beggar Free Society" in India then it is Shameful for us. How we are proudly say we are the part of Literate, Educated and Entrepreneur India. Come one step forward and give help to descrease the begging and give us help to form a "Beggar Free Society" in India.










