Halloween Custom Ideas
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Halloween custom ideas

I had to say time flies, it is Halloween again. It seems it is not long from the Halloween’s day of 2012. Today is just the Halloween of 2013. Have you prepared for it? If you still do not have any idea about the Halloween custom. Just look at here. Here are some creative ideas for Halloween custom. 

If you do not have much money for your Halloween custom, a nerd is perfect for you. To do so, you'll just need clothing one size too small for you, along with a few minor accessories: a button-up shirt (but don’t forget to button all the buttons), dress shoes, pocket protector, fake zits, pants pulled up way too high on the waistline, white socks and lots of gel to slick your hair back. You can make this costume gender neutral: Women can wear the above outfit and pull it off, or simply replace the pants with a tweed skirt and knee-high socks. If you do not have some of the accessories or appeals, you can borrow from your friends or families. 

It seems fairy is always popular custom for girls and women. Besides, it is easy to dress up like a fairy. A pair of fairy or angel wings, available inexpensively at most costume shops, is an easy way to turn an ethereal outfit into an impressive costume. Add fake eyelashes or dramatic eyeliner and lipstick, plus a little glitter on the skin for a more otherworldly appearance.
