Prepare To Interview......Be Ready Like This.
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Logistics And Commercial
Prepare to Interview
Preparation, practice and first impressions are key to interviewing. A great CV can only get you so far. The interview is your opportunity to establish your credentials and seek out the right job!

First Impressions Matter

Arrive at the interview location on time, if not early.

Make sure to dress appropriately. Choose comfortable clothes and accessories appropriate for the type of organization interviewing you. The interviewer first judgment will be based on your appearance.

Show enthusiasm and passion. Employers look out for people who are engaged and committed.

Go Prepared

Research the company, its products, competitors and latest developments in the industry.

Take a copy of your CV and portfolio with you to the interview. Be prepared to answer anything about your CV. The rule of thumb is, if you are unable to elaborate, do not include in your CV.

You should be able to identify why you are considering making the move to that company. Is it the company brand that excites you? The company values? Location? Size of the organization?

Be ready to ask relevant questions about the company based on your research. It demonstrates your preparation, knowledge and enthusiasm about the company’s business.

At the Interview

Job interviews are conducted to evaluate your suitability for the job. At your job interview be prepared to discuss your professional experience and your qualifications in detail.

Describe your past experience confidently. Refresh your memory prior to the interview by reviewing your resume. Be prepared with examples from your career and life. If you describe yourself as a team worker, make sure to support with an example.

Try to tie your responsibilities in with those listed in the job description, thereby demonstrating that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job.

Review your skills and experience specific to the job and make sure to describe with supporting examples where you used these skills successfully. Mention projects you may have been part of that can help answer relevant questions or provide as proof of your achievements.

Highlight your transferable skills. For example, in your previous position, did you learn how to effectively handle customer complaints? Can you multi-task and handle multiple issues at one time? Train, coach or teach others? Manage your time effectively? Motivate or lead a team? All of these examples are skills you likely use every day within the maritime and logistics industries – these are transferable and relevant across all industry segments and, in most cases, across departments or functions.

Talk about your accomplishments in a structured and clear manner. Give sufficient details to enable the interviewer to evaluate your credentials. Make sure the details are consistent with that of your CV.

When discussing your reasons for leaving your previous or current employer, be positive and respond to questions specifically and concisely. Listen and maintain good eye contact.

Do not exaggerate on your education and experience background. Reference and background checks are common and crucial in this industry.

Seek Clarifications

At the end of the interview, seek clarifications regarding the potential responsibilities, reporting structure and career prospects. Make sure to discuss your career plans, your goals and aspirations and where you see yourself in 3-5 years time.

Also find out the next steps as to when can you expect a decision on the offer. Let them know when you are available to start.

Follow up

Thank the interviewer for considering you for the position via email or written correspondence.

Give the company a follow up call if you have not heard from them within the expected time period.

I hope this will be helpful for all the working people.........
