What Are The Facts To Remember When Training A Dachshund?
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What are the facts to remember when training a dachshund?

What are the facts to remember when training a dachshund?

Use Ramps for Tricks

Dachshund has distinctive long shape and small legs. In the tricks training like jumping and climbing, we should take extra care because these action place lot of stress on his legs and joints. Use dog ramps for these actions. You may gets dog ramps in pets’ stores or online. This is one device, which you may attach with furniture.

Use of short words

At the time of commands training, use short commands, as “come” not “come here”, “sit” not “sit down” He won’t be confuse by using such short words.

Only one trainer

Do not change trainer. Only one trainer should be from starting to end of training. It may difficult to adjust new trainer for him. If we conducts Dachshund training in house, only one person should conducts training at one time. If more than one person gives commands he may confuse by listening different words at one time.


As he understands and successes in learning a command (any) give him reward. Pick and pat him in terms of rewards. Such rewards will be like appreciation for him. Give him treats like car rides or give different tasty foods.

Shorter Training Session

Do not conduct long training session. Each training session should not be more than 10 minutes. Take 3 training sessions of 10 minutes in a day. Shorter session keeps him enthusiastic and avoids boredom.

Treat as family member.

Treat him as a family member. Do not shout at him if he not understands. Even human cannot learn by shouting. Be calm and cool at him. Make yours Dachshund training enjoyable and memorable. 
