Teasing : A big Burning Issue

Hello friends I am going to discuss a day today problem of every female. I can easily make this article funny but, I am not doing so.This time I would appreciate if you read it as a problem which is really global in nature.
Have you ever listen the song of Mughal -E-Azam “mohe panghat pe nandlaal chedd gayo ree….” ?? I know you are trying to recollect the memories of ‘Panghat’. Yes a place where a lot of ladies come to fill their Pitchers with water, their smile, their teasing, their graceful walk etc. each & every thing reflects a style.
That time the style of teasing was different, small comments with a smile, nothing else more than that.
But now a days the scenario has been changed completely. That teasing is now converted into torturing. It is a big burning issue. You can see the group of torturers on road side, near girls colleges, near bus stands, inside bus, inside train, even in office, in every place where they can find girls.
Who is responsible for this??
Is it Movies, Television or our own thinking? I am really unable to understand the real thinking behind it.
As a girl I and other girls also feel bad (furious) on it. But when situation goes worst then it becomes news. Once my psychology lecturer told us, one nice tip for teasing that if someone is looking good then every one try to comment on that, so if someone is teasing then take it easy & feel that you are looking good. But friends this is a defensive aspect of this problem. My brother says that every girl must have an authority to shoot those criminals on the spot, if yes then you can imagine what will be the situation like?
Some times earlier I used to think that teasing is a habit of uncultured illiterate peoples, but I was totally wrong, because people from very cultured & educated background are also doing so. I know government policies are there but still it is going on..& on & on..
‘Every thing has its own limit’, but this problem is increasing like anything. I want a solution to this problem you can suggest me your opinions, because I am collecting data from girls groups. But please suggest practical solutions which can be applicable, so first think & then write it down…
I’ll collect all the information & then again write a blog on this problem. So till then
Keep thinking… keep writing your opinion…