Begging : A Crucial Problem

Begging is a very old & crucial problem in India. You can find beggars (no need to find them, they will find you) on railway stations, bus stops, temples, out side shopping malls, & everywhere. Begging is a crime, but still it is continue.
In ancient India begging was done by the small students of Gurukuls & Buddhist (“Bhiksham Dehi”) for living a simple life, but now that tradition has been changed completely. People are misusing its essence. They are taking the advantage of mercy. They are able to earn money but still they don’t want. They are using the safest way of earning money that is begging.
Begging is like a business for some peoples. These beggars are every where. Some times there condition, and dirge melts us, & we give them money. I saw some handicapped & blind peoples working for the livelihood, they are hard work for earning & not begging from anybody.
Begging makes people cowards, these cowards don’t want to do anything. It is a very big issue because begging is banned in India, but still it is going on. They are earning like anything by begging only.
It is an international problem but it is really worst in India. If you find any of those beggars, please don’t give them money (if you really want to help them then give them food or some cloths etc. but please don’t give them money), because we can discourage them by doing so. It is spoiling the image of our India in front of the world.
Keep doing some social work. Stop those beggars…
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