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US gov plan, to save energy at American homes through Rebates!

By the end of 2009, consumers nationwide will be able to take advantage of a federal "cash for appliances" program offering rebates on purchases of a wide array of home appliances certified as energy-efficient by the EPA's Energy Star program.

Backed by an initial $300 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the state-run rebate program is intended to help make American homes more energy-efficient while further stimulating the economy.

"Appliances consume a huge amount of our electricity, so there's enormous potential to both save energy and save families money every month," said Department of Energy Secretary, Steven Chu, in a press release. "These rebates will help families make the transition to more efficient appliances, making purchases that will directly stimulate the economy and create jobs."

States will run the Rebate Program

Each state will administer its own cash for appliances program. The states will be free to select which residential ‘Energy Star qualified appliances’ to include in their programs and the individual rebate amount offered for each appliance.

What Can You Buy?

The Department of Energy (DOE) has recommended that the states focus their cash for appliances rebate efforts on heating and cooling equipment, appliances, and water heaters as these products offer the greatest energy savings potential. Energy Star qualified appliance categories eligible for rebates include: central air conditioners, heat pumps (air source and geothermal), boilers, furnaces (oil and gas), room air conditioners, clothes washers, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators and water heaters.

How Big Will the
“Rebates” Be?

While the states will be free to set actual rebate amounts based on their share of the $300 million, the Department of Energy expects the rebates to range from $50 to $200 per appliance. But wait, there's more. Any rebates offered by state and local utility districts for purchases of energy-efficient appliances will be added to the federal cash for appliances rebate.

How do you qualify?

All, consumers will need to do to get the rebate is simply; buy any qualifying Energy Star appliance. Unlike the "cash for clunkers" fuel-efficient vehicle rebate program, you don't even need an old trade-in appliance. In addition, consumers will not be required to haul their bulky old appliances to the dealer in exchange for a new one.

When does it start?

The states will have until October 15, 2009 to submit their applications for funding and plans for recycling old appliances to the Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE plans to have distributed funding to the states by November 30. As a result, the cash for appliances rebates could be available in stores just in time for Christmas shopping.

What we in India can do?

This is US plan to save energy at homes in US; can we have something similar or different plan to save energy at homes? We see that where we practice subsidy to prices to help simple people to afford them in America they have social security and rebates. Actually social security and rebates in USA is doing the same function as subsidy in prices do here; but World Bank and IMF while accepting social security and rebates, insists on banning subsidy in prices. I want to know their ulterior motive behind insisting to ban this very important aid given by our government to people. It may be that our second-rate intelligent, corrupt and slavish minded economic experts do not want to do enough to justify subsidy on prices when talking to WB and IMF. My point of reference is that above scheme of this US government is nothing short of a plan to offer a type of subsidy with rebates to their citizens. If that goes well why oppose our subsidy in prices, plans? They call it social security or rebate instead of subsidy in prices just a change of words, does it make different? Can the officers of our government bother to explain to Indians why they do not use some dynamism to justify our policy for subsidy in prices as same as their social security and rebates to World Bank and IMF? Will they learn to pay back the US agents in the WB and IMF in their own coin? I am doubtful of the very intelligence of our boys at the finance and other ministries who hold talks with these World Bank and IMF.

I also want the World Bank and IMF authorities to take the trouble to explain to we Indians, who are the real holders of the country, if social security and various types of rebates in US are correct then; how subsidy on various essential needs of Indian people is incorrect and counterproductive. Will it be all right if we stop using word subsidy and begin to use the word social security or rebate in stead? Just a change of words will do! Will US stop all social security and rebates to their citizens as against we stopping subsidy? I feel this controversy deserves an open public discussion.

I shall take up, the ‘structural adjustment policy’ of these two banks, soon. It is this policy that is behind this ‘world class (also third class) mischief’ of these two notorious Banks. There we shall come to know how these structural adjustments have detrimental effects on our future.

As for saving energy we can introduce induction heater chula for kitchen, induction lighting and LED, CFL for light at home and offices since the efficiency of this technique is as high as 93% any subsidy or rebate (choose the word you like! Be watchful of World Bank and IMF boys) on this appliances will help save a lot of energy both in electricity, oil and gas; in addition, the saving in the bill of electricity.

Our government should also offer special subsidy or rebate (choose the word you like! Be watchful of World Bank and IMF boys) on the prices of PVC (photovoltaic) cells. If that is done it can be proved that the saving in power bill is much more than the cost of the subsidy or rebate. Will they at all bother to do something in this? Or they will ask for bribe to promote these schemes? I will not be surprised if central government officers demand a bribe even to do their work!

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