Numerology: Numbers and Their Meanings

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If your name is John Smith, your name number will be as follows:
1+6+8+5+1+4+9+2+8 = 44= (4+4) = Numerology Number 8
Numerology Number 1: The number one means new beginnings and presents qualities of good leadership, boldness, courage and creativity. The number ones are also determined, ambitious and pioneering individuals who are very optimistic. Sunday is their good day.
Numerology Number 2: The number 2 are the cooperative, sensitive, balanced team players. These people are responsible, loving, patient, modest and very supportive. Number 2 is a good companion to have. Their weak qualities are, rudeness, weak willed, finicky and fearful.
Numerology Number 3: The number 3 people are optimistic and originally creative. These people are sociable, happy, amusing people and are well known for finding solutions. The downside is that they can be superficial, non-communicative and deceitful. 3 is also the number of triads, like past, present and future; birth, life and death.
Numerology Number 4: The number 4 people are faithful and disciplined. They are organized and cautious. On the flipside, they can also be dogmatic, incompetent and inefficient. The number 4 is also traditional, practical, respectable and sober.
Numerology Number 5: Freedom, enthusiasm are trademarks of the number 5 people. They are also very clever, sensual, adventurous and prolific people. Their downside is they can be rash, impulsive, trite and dull. They believe in free will and the exploration of the world.
Numerology Number 6: The number 6 people are nurturing and responsible. They are kind and are family oriented. They can also be intolerant and disconnected. The number 6 represents all forms of love liaisons. This number represents love, marriage and unions and so it comes as no surprise that the 'lovers' are its tarot representation.
Numerology Number 7: The number 7 is the number of analysis and critique. They can be fussy, prepared and wise. On the flip side, they are prone to being critical, cynical and superficial. The number 7 people are introspective, prefer solitude and are constantly pursuing the knowledge of universal truths
Numerology Number 8: The number 8 people are strong, self reliant, aggressive, intelligent and clever. On the other side, they can be materialistic, dogmatic and lethargic. The number 8 has no in-betweens. These people can climb the ladder of success, far beyond expectations, or they can fall to the depths of miserable failure. It is the number of wealth, success, leadership and effective organization.
Numerology Number 9: The number 9 people are compassionate, tolerant, benevolent, charming and idealistic. They are also intuitive and mystical. On the other side, they are stingy, impulsive, intolerant, insensitive and effusive. They are known to take up humanitarian causes and have a highly developed intuition and spirituality. Opal is a good gemstone for these people. The month of September brings good things to these people.