Numerology: What does each number mean?

love reading, the numbers of your mate will also come into play. To help familiarize you with some general characteristics of number digits, 1 - 9, enclosed is a list of positive and negative traits of each number. When you know the number that relates to you, i.e., day of birth, you can identify that number with the following traits:
1 Positive Traits: Independent, assertive, original, inventive, ambitious, decisive, loves new beginnings.
Negative Traits: Arrogant, domineering, self-centered, greedy, quarrelsome.
2 Positive Traits: Sensitive, detail-oriented, balanced, cooperative, tactful, considerate, persuasive, diplomatic responsive.
Negative Traits: Blunt, scheming, bull-headed, overly sensitive, intolerant, cross, unfriendly.
3 Positive Traits: Creative, verbally expressive, happy, imaginative, sociable, friendly, joyful, charming.
Negative Traits: Faddish, gloomy, pessimistic, hostile, gossipy, snobbish.
4 Positive Traits: Dedicated, earthy, trustworthy, practical, methodical, economical, disciplined, orderly.
Negative Traits: Inflexible, narrow-minded, stubborn, dishonest, restricted, crude, discourteous, unyielding.
5 Positive Traits: Independent, versatile, active, free, progressive, accepting of change, spontaneous, opportunistic, unconventional, enterprising.
Negative Traits: Impulsive, fearful, restless, frenzied, nervous, eccentric, frivolous, shallow.
6 Positive Traits: Responsible, supportive, caring, appreciative, trustworthy, charitable, dutiful, happy, just, understanding.
Negative Traits: Irresponsible, vindictive, unyielding, possessive, ungracious, cynical, unreliable, hostile, unfeeling.
7 Positive Traits: Wise, understanding, truth-seeking, analytical, spiritual, specialist, intuitive, studious, solitary, dignified, intellectual.
Negative Traits: Incompetent, critical, impatient, reclusive, proud, extremist, nervous, impractical, eccentric, agnostic.
8 Positive Traits: Powerful, decisive, authoritative, materially successful, judgmental, balanced, disciplined, responsible, influential, self-confident, pioneering, venturesome.
Negative Traits: Tyrannical, restrictive, rigid, unyielding, fanatical, inconsiderate, militant, cold-blooded, rebellious, fraudulent, aggressive.
9 Positive Traits: Selfless giver, humanitarian, compassionate, idealistic, broad-minded, creative, loving, humble, understanding, forgiving.
Negative Traits: Greedy, unsympathetic, prejudiced, uninvolved, restrictive, resentful, narrow-minded, bitter, hateful.
It is important to remember that numerology is not an exact science and that just because a number indicates one thing or another about you does not necessarily make it true or mean that it is set in stone. Instead, the numbers can provide us with clues to hidden parts of ourselves, and open our minds to what could be. A full free numerology reading will combine your different numbers in a way that allows a more complete view of yourself than the scope of this short guide can provide.
If you would like a full reading or more information about what numbers mean, contact a numerologist and get a free report.