Honesty, An Obscure Personality Trait ?
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Honesty, An Obscure personality Trait ?

My opinion about honesty is the response against an excellent question posted by a connection in one of the most happening forum on linkedin - Leadership And networking.

Topic is :

As a leader one has to demonstrate his character, honesty and competence.

How I can prove that I am honest as a team leader ?

My response :

"Honesty is a reputation built-up painstakingly over a period of time, honesty is a perception of your true image by others, honesty is the fruit of unbelievable self-control, honesty is the other side of the coin called sacrifice and finally honesty is the ability to accept mistakes and take corrective action.

It's difficult for conventional leaders to absorb and spring back against this enormous load of "Reputation Building", but i have seen - some of the not so known leaders - i had worked with during my career; successfully established neuron connections with the followers.

Street smart leaders do achieve short term success by creating hallucinating honesty, but fail to sustain it in the long run and disappear from the landscape forever.

Many of you may strongly disagree with me, but i am highly impressed by Mrs Sonia Gandhi, who, in spite of a huge cultural difference - fully adopted to Indian environment - and got herself completely dissolved in local environment.

In fact, she went through the sufferings associated with all the conditions i mentioned in the beginning of this posting and came out in flying colors.

Amazing, and hats off to her.Easier said than done, but tell me another matching example.I know you can't because you have none.

Honesty is not a qualification that you study hard and obtain; honesty is not a business that you strategize and measure your achievements, honesty is not a race you prepare for years and win at last; but HONESTY is a state of mind you love and nurture throughout your life.

There is no need to prove your state of mind because it radiates, it spreads , it engulfs and finally it captures the surroundings with continuous emission of positive energy packets.

So honesty in my opinion need not be demonstrated, because leaders with true honesty radiate the message in the surroundings; through discharging of innumerable packets of positive quantum energy.

Same argument applies to competence and character also."

Truly honest people have the self-control and courage to avoid succumbing to intense situational pressure and opportunity available to prove otherwise.

Author : Abhijit Kar

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