What'S The Command For Restoring Original Human Value System
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What's the Command for Restoring Original Human Value System

Society continues to be divided between haves and have-nots. The former, taking advantage of their current status leaves no stone unturned to move up, further. And the latter, keep trying to wrap up a status change deal, at the earliest, to the other side of the river -- despite criticizing former for all their wrong doings.

Irrespective of which side of the civilization we belong to, we seem to be driven by one objective only: Personal gains. The fight for supremacy continues with all of us hell bent on achieving the financial, emotional and, the mother of all gains: Power!

Get more, and more: Methodology doesn't matter but results; cost doesn't matter but benefits; health doesn't matter but wealth -- nothing really matters but achievements, by any means, and at any cost!

I think, very soon we're likely to reach a saturation point: The point of no return, and something must be done before that -- before it's too late!

And, the only way to change the world now is to bring about a change in our thought process, restoring original value systems - similar to restoring a computer operating system to original factory settings -- and installing a whole new set of value based neural applications.

However, a change of such a huge magnitude would be achievable, only if, we've a set of competent leaders who're capable of facilitating a fundamental 'change' process while guiding us smoothly through an extremely painful 'self re-orientation' program.

History repeats itself. Hence, very soon the world shall witness the emergence of a new breed of leaders who'd put the mankind back onto the original track.

Originally posted on my blog at Leadership And Networking
