You , Me And HR !
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You , Me And HR !

It started with the following Controversial but Interesting question,raised in a forum on linkedin :-

"HR is compelled to become a puppet on a chain ,in view of the larger than life image of the CEO's...

Tell me your experience...if you can...rather ,havethe guts to open up the can of worms!!"

Several participants came up with interestingreplies, covering the topic from different angles.Well my remark is as follows:-

-Unfortunately ( You may differ), i am into abusiness ( Globally called Executive Search/Contingent Recruitment and locally"CONSULTANTS" -Don't confuse with the elite class of BusinessConsultants), doing "PLACEMENTS", ( The term i hate, what placement ?iam identifying a product for a a buyer , that's it , its nothingbeyond marketing ) where the Degree /volume ofinteraction with Senior professionals in the industry, including HR ishighenough to be kept informed about inside developments ( OrganizationDynamics :-or Politics?).

Years of data collection-"intended/unintended" ,originally meant for Business Intelligenceand subsequent analysis , has been catalyzing an extrinsicmanifestation ofthis rude but relevant thought, squeezing my mind for long.Actually, iam confused now ! Wish to know why ? Well move forward...

Let me now compare the role of HR ,restricted to Recruitment (How, do i knowabout other areas ?) in two similar organizations, ( My current clients..hopeHR Heads are not reading this comment ! ) and flash out the observation chartfor you:-

Company 1 : HR Head is from a Premier Institute, with excellent leadership qualities.Down to earth and exceptionally intelligent. Good knowledge base .High comfort level with peers and my interaction level in that company could not gobeyond know, what i mean..CEO,MD etc.Not required , i feel.

He remains on tour for long and quite often major recruitmentdecisions keep patience!! But the moment in, he more thancompensates...."No Scope For Complaints."

Company 2 : HR Head is from a Premier Institutewith excellent educational achievements , highlighted by teaching experience,again in premier institutes.Any decision regarding senior level recruitment isweighed from numerous angles, and by the time candidate are called forfinalization,they are almost completing the probation period in anotherorganization !!!.

MD watched him for few months and started bypassing himtotally.A born leader with quick decision making ability,senior levelrecruitment is initiated by him and the follow up done by the concernedBusiness Heads.Going great.All happy, except one.Does it matter , in thebroader perspective ?I don't know ! Again "No Scope for Complaints".

What is the morale of the story...? It's all about "Personal Branding" of Leaders , as perceived by others and mostly determined bytheir " Social Intelligence Skills & Knowledge Base." ,ultimately :- The "Ability To Deliver".

No more confusion..!!!

Author : Abhijit kar

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