Home for the Aged? Parenthesis; Parents Come Once In A Lifetime Please, Take Care Please
Home for the Aged? Parenthesis – Parents Come Once In A Lifetime Please, Take Care Please
ParentsThis article is the most challenging ever since to write about it is quite difficult to even think of. It is extremely sad to note that some of our graceful elderly members of the society have to spend a part of their lives at noble institutions called, home for the aged?
Being left with no other choice since their children tend to disown them and suggest them to shift across is heartbreaking and very most overwhelming.
Parents who sacrifice their complete life and invest their hopes in their children with one sincere aspiration, that their children achieve and excel, progress and be happy in life and really speaking, nothing else since Parents experience the greatest of joys in their children’s achievements.
How to explain to the children who mis understand that their parents are interfering in their daily affairs? Parents are there to guide and for the children’s goodness and betterment please.
But some children without even realizing or ascertaining anything just create situations and circumstances to make their parents feel awkward and a burden or insult them with harsh words? How cruel and utterly disgusting – deplorable to note the disdainful attitude of the children who never realize how their parent strived all their lifetime to painstakingly put together each and every resource for their children’s education and other endowments – sacrificing everything they may ever need but do the children realize their parent’s nobility and incredible goodwill please and reciprocate this in good faith please? They unfortunately banish their parents to the home for the aged and periodically visit them on a courtesy call basis or call them sometimes when they feel like? What is this? What is happening please?
Human beings are expected to be the very most fortunate for being endowed with amazing wisdom and fabulous intellectual capabilities and the very finest of characteristics and virtues but by forcefully sending their parents across to the home for the aged, they relinquish the immense wealth of blessings that are far greater than any wealth in this World please.
A time in point may come when the children realize their absolutely careless and very serious mistake of having sent across their parents to the home for the aged but alas those noble souls may have already ascended to the higher realms of paradise after completing their earthly sojourn and then despite all the yearning, appeals and wishes, it is impossible to call back those priceless moments for they have gone taking away far much more with them than one could ever imagine please.
Parents love to live with their Families and gracefully witness and play with their grand children and be able to devote some of their time towards their sacred duties of meditating and attending the religious institutions but if the children turn their backs on their parents and betray them, they are taking away the care and love in the lives of their parents completely since at that stage of their lives, after having toiled day and night to uphold their Families well being to be told to leave their own homes and go to stay in the home for the aged is extremely cruel, disheartening and profoundly overwhelming please. To the children who may have done this, a humble appeal to you noble souls please – kindly remember your nobility and pureness and also the pureness and nobility of your parents please, kindly shower them with all the affection, admiration, care, love, respect and brilliance – absolutely the very best for your parents please for parents come once in a lifetime, cherish the moments for they are all we could ever have and treasure and blessed for with the greatest of blessings please, God Bless.
God Bless
May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.
Love, Light and Wisdom,
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