Dear Indian Railway Ministers Past, Present And Future
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Dear Indian Railway Ministers Past, Present and Future

Dear Railway Ministers Past, Present and Future,


I am an Indian citizen, and sometimes, I think it’s a curse, and a burden I have to carry for the rest of my life, to be an Indian. 

I could go on and on with reasons of why I am ashamed to be called an Indian, from my country’s corrupt government officials, to poor living standards, to indifferences among caste, color, sex and creed.

I am writing to you on behalf of the thousands, and thousands, of Indians who suffer traveling in the trains you been appointed to look after.

I humbly beg you, to put a stop to this chaotic madness, and treat your fellow Indians like humans and not look at them as cattle. I understand, it may be hard for you to have compassion, because if you did, you and your predecessors would have not let this happen.

The Mumbai locals trains for example is a living hell, and even the devil would agree with me, so why is it that you fail to see people’s plight? Let’s look at some of the issues of overcrowding, bullies, gangs, eve teasing, spitting, trains running late, lack of clean latrines.

Lack of funds? Lack of man power? Lack of what Mr. Minister?? You and I know the amount of revenue the Railways generates every year, and yet after we paying for our dues, why are we treated like street dogs?

Why don’t you travel on trains yourself, and let me for once travel in your big troupe of security personals, and luxury cars, is it not my taxes that is paying for their salaries and Yours?

I know my letter may sound like a rambling whine but that what helpless people who are in wretchedness do.

I humble beg you to do your duties, remember the oath you took before becoming a Minister. To the past Ministers, I hope you all live with shame, and your lives filled with regret, for you have failed miserable, for what you have been appointed, and to the future Ministers, I hope you learn nothing from your predecessors, and show more compassion to your country men.


Thanking You


A very Angry Citizen. 

