Regulations For The Conduct And Discipline
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Regulations for the Conduct and Discipline

1. General

1.1 Students studying in college, if found indulging in anti-national activities contrary to the provisions of Acts and Laws enforced by Government or inany activity contrary to the rules of discipline, will be liable to be expelled from the college without any notice by the Principal of the college

2. Action against ragging

The Maharashtra prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 which is in effect from 15 th May 1999

3. Common Off / Absence

Remaining absent from the institute without prior permission of the authority is strictly prohibited.

4. Behaviour

The students are required to move silently through the corridors without disturbing the nearby classes and practicals.

5. Uniform

All the students are required to wear the college uniform on Monday/ Thursday

6. Seeking Guidance

6.1 In case of hostel related problems, the student is required to contact the concerned warden, rector first. For any additional help, he/she should contact the GFM class teacher and HOD.

7. General Awareness

7.1 To use Water and Electricity economically in the institute/hostel.

7.2 To Switch off the light, fan , computers, equipments while going out of the room/ lab.

8. Habits

8.1 Smoking/chewing tobacco, spitting and drinking alcohol are strictly prohibited in hostel building and premises. Hence, if anybody is found indulging in these activities, case will be charged as per the IPC rules and a strict action will be taken.


9.1 If anybody is found in infringement of security guard instructions, misbehaving with the faculty or staff of the college, misbehaving in the hostel premises or college premises, on road and doing unfair means, which will damage the image of the college, is liable for the punishment.

10. Disciplinary action

10.1 Constitution of the Discipline Committee (DC) :

Discipline Committee shall normally consist of

a) Head of the concerned department

b) Guardian Faculty Member

b) One faculty from the concerned department
