Comprehensive Analysis Of The Unified Platform Strategy Of Microsoft
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Comprehensive Analysis of the unified platform strategy of Microsoft

This is the fantasy world that Microsoft Windows8 wants to build, it can run any application, including touch screen, like of the angry birds, also includes tools such as 3D games and video editing of large software. Sounds simple, but this integration of Microsoft, Google and Apple are not selected.

A long struggle

Windows8 will not listed immediately, as a result of radical reform, enterprise are unlikely to have a rapid deployment in the short term.

However, Microsoft has already prepared. Microsoft is brewing a long battle, in order to win in the core market, Microsoft spent billions of dollars in a few years time.

This is Xbox long-term losses, and Microsoft are happy to do this, this is the reason why each of Microsoft's Bing search has invested heavily. Microsoft's head of consumer marketing Craig Belinson said: "we are a very patient business. ”

Patience is necessary, but implementation is critical. Microsoft mobile device had failed to be involved, such as WindowsCE. But there were signed that Microsoft has learnt its lesson from the failed lessons, the consumer Preview Edition of Windows8 has won the market praise.

Microsoft's plan is: regardless of the TV, computer, Tablet PC, phone or any other device, users can use the same platform to complete the same task. Operation will be different, but the core experience is unchanged. Now Apple iPhone5 will be launched on july, many iPhone fans have bought all kinds of best iphone cases to wait for iPhone5, for example, cute iphone cases.

Microsoft's head of consumer marketing CraigBeilinson says: "users in the ' three screen' on the cloud service and see the same look and feel and experience, the difference will become more and more blurred." The fact is that Apple and Google also has such a strategy, but completely different.

Microsoft Windows8 is the key. Windows8 will be released this fall, new operating systems support touch, using the Metro UI. Metro WindowsPhone7 design inspired by the end of 2010, was introduced to the Xbox.

Metro interface makes Windows8 for a range of new devices, including Tablet PCs, and can be folded into a larger touch screen Tablet compound on a laptop computer.

At the same time, Microsoft also baking cloud services, such as WindowsLive, SkyDrive, and Bing, their integration in all consumer products. Log in to any device, users can access all content, applications, parameter settings, and your search history.

In contrast, Apple and Google device ecosystem is fragmented.

Google/Apple pattern

Apple is currently in "post-PC" era, the solution is to put devices such as the iPad and iPhone in the forefront, and PC as a fully independent of devices and platforms. Despite the integration between Mac and iOS devices, but Apple is always in the eyes of separation: mobile devices are for content consumption, Mac is to creation. For example, it is difficult to develop iPad on the iPad application, to run the Xcode Developer software, Mac is required.

Google's model is focused on Web, it is treated as a single platform in the future. This is a "device-independent theory" needs is users online in real time. Once users lose network connectivity, the computing platform will lose a connection with Google.

Currently, Apple and Google are suppressed in the core market of the Microsoft. Microsoft saw Apple media and tablet computer markets beyond their own, and Google is in the area of search and cloud service against Microsoft. In the smart phone market, the two companies are behind Microsoft. This put Microsoft in a very uncomfortable position, the laggard and loser.

JamesWhittaker was originally a Microsoft employee, and later switched to Google, ultimately returning to Microsoft. Whitaker in a recent blog post explained why their returns from Google and Microsoft: "facing a crisis, Microsoft is for radical reform. Obviously, Microsoft Windows and Office in his bones to be a code rewrite. ”

As for Google, Whitaker said: "most corporations do not want to undermine the status quo, when a company relies on existing business revenue, naturally slow, or no action.”

Microsoft clearly understanded that they cannot bear the consequences of slow. In the next five years, PC will no longer be the PC today. Although the desk may also display on the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, but these just accessories.
