Window8 And Super Notebook Join Together Against IPhone
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Window8 and Super Notebook join together against iPhone

In the context of mobile Internet, Apple, with its exclusive style and its standout products like iPhone smartphones, tablets, iPad flourished behind Microsoft and Intel in the global IT market, overwrites the cell phone and PC industry. Facing competition from Apple, Intel and Microsoft have come together.

"Ivy Bridge of 22 nm processors for future Intel and Windows8 by Microsoft (known as Win 8) tie in with the ultra, will further break the line between PC and tablet, leads the new change in mobile personal computers." Intel's global Vice President, PC client Division General Manager Kirk Skaugen said in the information technology Summit at Intel (IDF 2012).

Pressure from Apple

Recently, Intel China President Sean Maloney in the IDF said when interviewed by reporters on 2012, this year in the area of the Tablet, the important news is that Microsoft will announce Win8.

Sean Maloney said there are at least 10 OEM manufacturers are designing based on Intel and Win 8 Tablet PC operating system.

Since the Apple launched Tablet iPad, are greatly sought after in the global market. According to market research firm Gartner publish statistical reports, global Tablet sales are expected to reach 118.9 million units this year, compared to last year's 60 million and increased 98%.

Gartner estimates that Apple iPad global Tablet sales will reach 73 million units this year, 61% of the market share, ranked first, and Google Android Tablet PC system sold 38 million, the market share for 32%, ranking second; Windows Tablet sales are 4.8 million units, the market share is only 4%.

You can clearly see is that in recent years that Apple launched iPhone smartphones and iPad product, such as in the field of science and technology in the world to shine, and famous. Beijing time on April 11, which hit $ 644 in share prices in early trading accounted for a market value of $ 600 billion mark for the first time.

In the feast of Apple iPhone and iPad, because of its chips, and none of the current operating system with Intel and Microsoft products, so that nothing in the two giants in the Apple Carnival. According to the foreign media reports, Apple iPhone5 will be launched in October. Now even many Apple iPhone fans have bought many best iphone4 cases, for example, cool iphone4 cases .

In the field of traditional PC, Intel and Microsoft, respectively, with its dominance in computer chips, operating systems for many years dominated the development of traditional PC industry, form known to the Wintel Alliance. However the two sides because of rapid development of Apple in the mobile Internet in a passive situation, for the benefit of their respective, now the two sides together again.

Judging from the current situation, Microsoft launched the "weapon" is a Win with touch 8, while Intel will launch a 22 nm, 3-D three-gate transistors, developed as "Ivy Bridge" of the third generation smart Intel Core Duo processors.

Betting on Super

For Intel, fighting another major product of Apple is super. Sean Maloney on the IDF 2012 pointed out that 2012 will be Intel's true definition of "Super pole year".

Just a month ago, Intel Corporate Vice President and President for China specific Reporter Ian Yang, introducing the Super mind, said Intel's goal is to have all features on a single device experience, including business and household demand, combined with more familiar operating system.

"Now there are 18 kinds of super pc to appear in Super markets, available to consumers. In the near future, more than 75 different designs of ultra-this will appear in the market. "Shi Haode revealed in IDF 2012 lecture on April 11.

Shi Haode said the plans listed in the 2012 Super pole more than 75, they have different screen sizes (14 and 15 inch), shapes, and styles. In the second stage, the super-this device will use the upcoming third-generation intelligent Intel • core processor series, first based on the processor system will be launched in the spring, more products will be listed throughout the year.

In addition, Intel will start from April, will launch a massive advertising campaign in the media. At the same time in the Chinese market, Intel Corporation and suning appliance worked in this year's "may day" front, Intel will be in key cities throughout the country opened a total of 30 in a super shop of suning stores and suning flagship store opening 150 Super polar experience area. According to Lenovo, Hewlett Packard, Acer, ASUS, Samsung, mainstream PC manufacturers such as Toshiba, Haier has joined the Intel ultra plan.

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