Abdij Bhat - Emerging Mphasian Of Year 2010
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Abdij Bhat - emerging Mphasian of Year 2010

Stars are not only born, Stars are also made..

Abdij Bhat who joined a small organisation as a fresher Kshema Technologies, has been recognised and rewarded for being one among 38000 workforce. He is like a monk among the mountains.


His special recognition as a super star, has lot more to do with his attitude towards the work, than being the best technical man on the job.

I have personally seen him managing various projects where he has been a developer and then moving up the ladder. He and his family will remember March 14th as a special day, which in Mphasis office is being celebrated as "Abdij Day".

Shri Ganesh Ayyer as a CEO of Mphasis gives credit to all his employees who make the organisation successful. Every townhall meeting where he addresses everyone contains dedicated time and  special effort to listen what an employee, customer has to say.

Though, he has numbers on his mind and fingertips, but he has been down to earth while doing the townhall sessions.

Let me share about the new employee focussed organisation, where we have a special focus on Go Green -we call it Green Brigade.

We have management team to focus on Social Responsibilities. This is part of annual plans and a team works for achieving the same. Its a coincidence that Mphasis is in news despite paying 40% dividend to its shareholders.

Emploees make the company and Abdij became the rising star for Mphasis in 2010.

Having written code in c++, C# and .net framework -none can be a better MOJO ( Moment of Joy ) when the whole organisation is celebrating his success as a special day on March 14th.
