Are We Worth:
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Are we worth:

There are thousand reasons for everything.

We want only the ripe or mellow of everything but what have we done is the big question. We even don’t want to think of the other way. Even to start a venture, people want it to be 100% risk free. Is there a business, which is risk free. Give a think. Ofcourse we want everything in our way, but what have we done to make it our way is the question again. If you want to eat a fruit, you have to peel it out. How much effort have we been put to get something, whatever it maybe. A little… But all we want is the fullest of benefits which we aren’t worth of. Worth because we haven’t been so much through to attain the whole benefits.

In my previous posts i have written about, why can’t we become an entrepreneur and some of the general excuse that people use to put forth. To expect everyone to be an entrepreneur in this country is impossible and is not practical, but still, why do many of us do not use the opportunity which await at their doorstep and become a pro in that. I meant not only in their own business but even for an individual employee. We have a general problem in India. That, as i said above that we want a good package, we want a good job, we want a good designation, but we don’t want to work much for that. It is like this: “We get paid to come to an office daily, and to work, we need to be paid more”. This is nothing but a mere prostitution.

We expect what our country and government do for us rather thinking what have we done to our country. Employees in India are the biggest contributors to the governments' coffers among their Asian peers on the basis of percentage of gross salary paid towards taxes and other payments such as social security contributions(whether or not it worth to pay it in India), according to a new study. Indian employees take a deduction of as much as 29.1% from their gross salary, against just 5% in the UAE. Keeping the above fact in mind, another survey says that only 1 to 3% of the Indians pays their taxes. What about the other 97 to 99% of population? Are they unemployed, aren’t they earning in anyway? is there an equivalent of such an amount of unemployment and poverty in our country? Where is the rest of the money hidden or freezed? This is another big question.

So what should be done?

What should we do,

as a good citizen of this country…..

Simple, be loyal as you can, be trusted & trust worthy, be patriotic & true hearted, work hard and do your duty for what you have been paid for.. There is a solution only when an individual anticipate.
