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Q.      Discuss the importance of management in the present-day world.

                   Every business organization needs an unifying central guiding, directing and controlling agency which functions as a mind of the organization. Management energizes the organization for efficient and profitable functioning. "Neither result nor resources exist inside the business, both exist outside". It is this outside that needs planning, organization and direction for results.

                   As a business concern is promoted, the objectives are defined and groups of individuals are formed for achieving the common objectives. Business courses industry, trade and commerce in totality. Its management, therefore, asks for minimization of risk and maximization of both social and business good.

                   Objectives of any business activity are to achieve through organized and co-operative Endeavour. For this a group of people are to be assigned jobs according to their knowledge and skill. Their activities are to be planned, directed and co-ordinate so that pre-terminated objectives may be achieved. This gigantic effort of planning directing and unifying the good efforts to achieve a common goal is called management.

                   In today's industrial and commercial complexities business management has acquired a new dimension. Business enterprises are to be manned by people who form the backbone of enterprise. The success of the whole enterprise depends on their candid performance. Their knowledge and skill it to be scrutinized and analyzed so as to fit them in their appropriate places. They are to be led and directed. They have to be motivated and their activities co-ordinated. Thus management guides human resources with a view to attain well set objectives at the pre-planned economic activity.

                   The following are the importance of management in the present day world.

(i)      Co-ordination of different factors : In large organizations, hundreds or thousands of people work together under the same roof in an organized manner to achieve the organization’s goal. Organization depend on group efforts. No individual can do much for the organization with his own effort alone. People at work in an organization assemble or produce certain goods or services according to the direction of the management. The management co-ordinate the efforts of all factors of production. It needs to guide and direct people.

(ii)     Achievement of objectives : Each organization has its some objectives, the achievement of which calls for organized efforts in a planned manner. Management becomes essential for directing and unifying the group efforts towards a common objective. It needs to guide and direct people.

(iii)           Increasing productivity : The main objective of any organization is to maximize its profit by reducing cost factor in the production. The human factor in an industry is the most effective and active factor of production. Unless it is satisfied and its attitude is favorable to work and organization, productivity cannot be increased. Management is the activating agent for getting the work done through its personnel. The management must see that people are motivated to work so that productivity increases.

(iv)           Facing competition : Today production is done on large scale basis to cope with increasing demand of goods and services at the national and international level Accordingly the size of market has also enlarged. This has increased the competition in the market. Increasing competition requires efficient and effective handling of men and materials. The management must master mind its affairs to produce qualitative goods at a lower cost. This calls for better management.

(v)             Modern Scientific and Technical Inventions : The new developments in methods and machines have made the production process more complex resulting in increasing importance of machines and methods which has reduced the importance of men in the production process. As complications have developed in managing affairs, an efficient management is needed to meet the situation effectively.

(vi)           Exercising a positive Influence : Management should provide dynamic leadership which combines the productive resources into a fruitful organization. It adopt itself to existing opportunity, restriction and pressure. It exercises a positive influence to make the future events favorable to the enterprise. To get the expected results the management has to see that things happen as they should. Through innovations management forges ahead in operating situation and adopting far-sighted planning. Visualizing the future, it initiated changes and achieves the purpose of the enterprise under highly dynamic conditions.

(vii)        Adding to Real Value : Management acts as creative and invigorating force in the organization. It creates a result that is bigger than the sum total of efforts put in by the group. It adds a real plus value to the operation of any enterprises by enlisting a little extra value out of each person. It provides new ideas, imaginations are visions to the group working.

(viii)      Necessary to all organization : Not only the business a organizations but non-business organizations like educational, religious, charitable and other social organizations also need management. The government at all levels needs management as much as other organizations need it, Management is found every where as the distinct, separate and dominant activity. It is the prime institution in an organization and its role cannot be undermined.

Q.   What abilities do you think are especially important for success in senior-level management positions ?

A good manager has to lead from the front. At one hand, he should be perfect in dealing with issues such as organizing, leading, controlling, planning etc. he should at the other hand, should also remain well-equipped to tackle with human emotions. He has to take up certain issues such as technical, human and conceptual to make him function as a good human being. He should know how to build the institution while taking all the team members in account. 

Senior-level management is responsible for policy making and general administration.

Planning Skills : With times, things are changing and so the modified skills are required to fulfil the functions in modern era. A good manager or senior-level management should known how to think ahead, he needs to have an ability to state organizational objectives, he should have on ability to choose strategies that can help in attending objectives with respect to future trends and he also needs to arrive at performance standards or yardsticks to monitor the implementation of these strategies.

Organising Skills : A manager or senior-level management should always excel in organizing skills. He should be master in doing a planning job. Soon after the planning process, there comes the organizing process than states who would achieve what and how it achieves. A structure of an organization is constituted through an integrated network of people, their jobs and their working relationships. Thus, the organizing skills include the ability to analyze and describe the organizational jobs, an ability to select, train and induct people in jobs, an ability to draw working links and an ability to change these working links when there are changes in an environment.

Leading skills :  A leader should know the basic importance of values, personality, perception and attitude. He should also know the meaning of value that comes as conviction which a person holds about a certain code of conduct. These values at work could be defined in terms of honesty, hard working, freedom, productivity, knowing the right people, living at right places tolerance and saving time and finding a better way. The order trait of leader is his personality that comes as a total of personal traints. It does comes as a conglomeration of forces in an individual. Another different perspective is perception that comes as a process where individuals keep organizing and interpreting their own impressions of an environment around them. Last but not the  least, it is attitude that makes one know about the persons' tendency to behave in one particular condition.

The attitude could be cognitive, affective or behavioral. A good leader should have skills to understand and work with different people.

Controlling Skills : A good manager or high-level management should know how to control the actions and decisions to ensure that the good results are attained. A good manager always receives a feed back about his team's performance and then takes decisions accordingly. He also uses his motivating and leading skills for controlling and regulating performances.

Decision-making Skills : Decision-making skills play a crucial role in planning. These skills are vital in all the functions such as organizing, leading and controlling. It is this quality that he manages uses to solve various problems cropping up in an organization from time to time. The manager is adjusted with his timely decisions he take a solve different problems.

Institution-building : Institution-building is an essential need of a high level management. After attaining the goals of conceptual and technical skills, one also needs to gain an access for skills to attain goal of institution building. A high-level management needs to think for employees' satisfaction, their welfare and their development that can create an impact on society.

                   A high level management must possesses a good team building skill, periodic revering, liasoning with an organization and search for competence and also on involvement with detachment. Further, last but not the least, the role is to ensure super-ordination. This is done by giving them the feeling that they are working for a great cause. Here one needs to bring to sense of pride in his subordinates.

                   Planning Skill

                   Organizing Skill

                   Leading Skill                                               Feed back

                   Controlling Skill

                   Decision-making Skill



          Relationship of Various skills with performance and Fedback.

Q.      Explain the different methods of data collection.

                   There are very few hard and fast rules to define the task of data collection. Each research project uses a data collection technique appropriate to the particular research methodology. The two primary goals for both quantitative and qualitative studies are to maximize response and maximize accuracy.

(i)      Primary DATA :  Primary data is the original data derived from a new research study and collected at source, as opposed to previously published material which is more reliable and important.

(ii)     Secondary DATA : Any existing data already collected by some one also for general and differed purpose has to be used with sufficient scrutiny about reliability, suitability and adequacy often historical research, used studies, data analysis, content analysis etc. depend heavily on secondary data.

Methods of collecting primary Data :

                   Primary sources means that it is original article or book created by an individual or sometimes a group of people. One has to resort to standard methods like examination of records and relies, observation, interview, questionnaire etc. In such cases, researcher collects original (primary) data afresh by either experimenting, examining and observing the subjects and records or by asking/questioning orally or in writing form from concerned people. Some other primary sources are letters, films, short stories, plays, poems, photo graphs, court cases, journal articles, newspaper events and speeches.

                   In primary data collection, you collect the data yourself using methods such as interviews and questionnaires. The key point here is that the data you collect is unique to you and your research, and until it publish, no one else has access to it.

(i)      Observation Method : Interviewing is a technique that is primarily used to gain an understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations for people's attitudes, preference or behavior. Interviews can be undertaken on a personal one-to-one basis or in a group. They can be conducted at work, at home, in the street or in a shopping centre, or at some other agreed location. The interviewer and the interviewee interact and simultaneously influence one another in an interview environment personal, face-to-face interview with all the attendant advantages, feedback from respondents, the ability to explain the complicated task.

Shopping-centre interview are a popular solution when funds are limited and the respondents must see, feel or taste something. Interviews stationed at entrances or selected locations in a mall, randomly approach them and either question them at that location or invite them to be interviewed at a special facility in a mall.

(ii)     Questionnaire Method : Questionnaires are a popular means of collecting data, but are difficult to design and after require many rewriters before an acceptable questionnaire is produced. The questionnaires, based on which the interviews are conducted, will contain sequence of questions on different topics. Each sequence is provided by one client, and the whole questionnaire is made up of such sequence of questions, on diverse topics from different clients. Personal interview arouse initial interest and thereby, increase the rate of participation. It is preferred and the questions are complex. The personal interview questionnaire has a high degree of flexibility. It is useful when an explicit or current list of households or individuals are not available.

Questions may be closed-ended (answerable by checking one of several pre-determined answers) or open ended (requiring participation to answer in their own words). The answers to open-ended questionnaires are much more difficult to tabulate and analyze but provide more information than the surveyor might otherwise collect. Questionnaires are a good survey technique, because the cast (printing, distribution, collection, analysis) is low relative to that of other methods such as personal interviews, because participants can respond at their own convenience, because no interviewer bias is introduces and because response can be kept completely confidential.

(iii)    Telephonic Interview : With the introduction of technology, the telephonic method has become dominant for obtaining information from large samples. The telephonic interview is very similar to personal interview. Only certain unique aspects of telephone interviewing, such as selecting the telephone numbers, the call outcomes, the introduction, when to call and call reports are considered.

(iv)    Mailed Questionnaire Method : In the mailed questionnaire method, a questionnaire in the form of a set of questions is sent by mail to the informants. They are expected to answer the questions and also the additional needed information, whenever needed and mail them back to the investigator. This method should be used in the following cases.

          (a)     When the area under investigation in wide.

          (b)     When the informants are educated.

          (c)      When the informants are expected to leave for far away places.

          Collection of Secondary Data :  Secondary data are data that are collected by persons or agencies for purposes other than soling the problem at hand.

The sources of secondary data are :

(i)      Various Government Publications : Government and private organizations collect data related to business, trade, prices, consumption, production, industries, income, health etc. These are very dominant source of secondary data. Central Statistical Organization. National Sample Survey organization, office of the Registrar and census commissioner of India, Directorate of Economics and statistics and labour Bureau - Ministry of labour are some of the government publications.

(ii)     Foreign or International Publication Bodies : Government in the world and international agencies frequently publish reports on data collected by them on various aspects. For example, U.N.O.'s Statistical year book, Demography year book, etc. can be named in this category.

(ii)     The other soruces of secondary Data : There are few other sources like journals, News papers, letters, Diary etc. who plays an important role in data collection.

Q.      Define Research, Explain steps in research process :

                   Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense. Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions collecting, organizing and evaluating data, making deduction and reaching conclusions, and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. D. Slesinger and M.L. Stephenson in the Encyclopedia of social Sciences define research as "the manipulation of things, concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory as in the practice of an art." Research is, thus, an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of truth, with the help of study, observation, comparison mid experiment. In short, the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to a problem is research. The systematic approach concerning generalization and the formulation of a theory is also research. As such the term 'research' refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analyzing the facts and reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in certain generalizations for some theoretical formulation.

                   The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Though each research study has its own specific purpose, we may think of research objectives as following into a number of following broad groupings :

(i)      To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it (studies with this object in view are termed exploratory or formulative research studies.)

(ii)     To portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual, situation or a group (studies with this object in view are known as descriptive research studies).

(iii)    To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else studies with this object in view are known as diagnostic research studies.

(iv)    To test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables (such studies are known as hypothesis-testing research studies.

                   The research process is a step by step process of developing a research paper. As it progress from one step to the next, it is commonly necessary to back up, raise, add additional material or even charge the topic completely. This will depend on what you discover during the research. There are many reasons for adjusting the plan. For example, you may find that your topic is too broad and needs to be narrowed, sufficient information resources may not be available. What is learn may not support the thesis on the size of the project does not fit the requirements ?

                             The research process itself involves identifying, locating, assessing, analyzing and then developing and expressing ideas. These are same skills it will need outside the academic world when it write a report or proposal for one's loss, as these activities are frequently based on secondary sources from which recommendations or plans are formulated.

          The research may involves the following steps :

(i)      Self-satisfaction : Researcher is dissatisfied perturbed with the way things are happening in field of work. Hence, the researches for self-satisfaction.

(ii)     Confidence : Researcher has the confidence that improvement can be brought about.

(iii)    Definition of the problem : Researcher is then able to pin-point the problems which are causing him dissatisfaction. This enable him to define his problems.

(iv)    Diagnosis : After definition the researcher diagnosis the problem and locates the weakness which cause the problem.

(v)     Search for more promising practice : This is the aim of the research.

(vi)    Designing : Testing of the hypothesis.

Q.      What is Managerial /Economics ? Explain the importance of Managerial Economics in Business.

                   "Managerial Economics is concerned with the application of economic principles and methodologies to the decision making process within the firm or the organization under the conditions of uncertainty." Thus, it can be said on the basis of above definition that there is close relationship between management and economics. Managerial Economics helps the management by guiding and acting as leader to focusing the efforts of a group of individuals to achieve the common objective, effectively and efficiently.

                   "Managerial Economics is the use of economic modes of though to analyze business situations." Based on this definition of Managerial Economics, the relationship between economics and management may be justified. The management provides the guidance, leadership as well as the way to appropriately channelised the efforts of a group of individuals towards the attainment of some common objective.

                   "Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working together in groups, can perform efficiently and effectively towards the attainment of group goals." Therefore, management is co-ordination, an on going activity, a purposive process and the manner of getting work done through others.

                   Managerial Economics has developed due to the close interrelationship between management and economics. Usually the managerial decisions are economic in nature as the firms management is faced with the "problems of choice" in simple words various alternatives. The management has to look out for the best possible alternative available with them based on the economic theory and analysis of the activities involved. And as the resources are scarce in nature thereby it becomes the management's responsibility to see that the resources are allocated appropriately.

                   Since the economic environment in which the firms operate is volatile and changes rapidly, this makes it important for the firms to facilitate appropriate and rational decision-making and forward planning skills in its managers. As the firms are responsible for providing goods and services to the individuals, the economic environment they function in also affects them. Therefore, managerial economics provides for the study of allocation of resources available with firm vis-a-vis its activities, keeping in mind the best possible alternative available to the firm.

                   The manager is therefore responsible for taking rational decisions and future planning with regards to the economic concepts and problem analysis. As it needs to ensure that scares resources are utilized to the utmost efficiency and that best results are achieved. The resources allocation decision may include taking decision pertaining to production and transportation process. Whereby the manager is responsible for deciding the amount of factors of production to be allocated to a particular activity and the transportation process and cost involved in transferring these factors of production to the activity.

                   Apart from resource allocation the managers are also faced with inventory issues, which involves taking decisions pertaining to holding the appropriate levels of stock of raw materials and finished goods for a period of time. For which it is important to understand the demand and supply conditions in the market, as it would have a bearing on the prices of its products.

                   The decision-making process also involves an important decision relating to fixing the prices of the products. For which various methods may be adopted keeping in mind that the price is neither too high nor to low. As, if the price is high, it will be out of reach for various individuals and if the price is too low then people may tend to have second thoughts about its quality. As the firms operate for profits thus accurate price decision play a vital role in the growth of the organization as a whole.

                   Whole also that decision-making by the management involves making a choice from various available alternatives, which makes it all the more economic in nature. As the best decision can only be reached by making the appropriate choice keeping in mind the objectives as well as the obstacles on the path. In other wards, the optional decision-making process is achieved with a combination of traditional economic concepts along with tools and techniques of analysis in order to reach the best solution to the business problem.

                   The managers are also faced with taking decisions regarding future i.e. forward planning. It relates to taking various investment decisions. As appropriate decision have to be taken while planning to install new machinery on hiring extra labour, as the cost factor and the further repercussions have to be kept in mind while planning and taking decisions thereon.

                   Therefore, it is a true fact that economics and management goes hand in hand with the help from various concepts, tools and methodologies. It also enhances the role and function of a manager as its helps the manager to take rational decisions and to appropriately plan for the future based on the analysis of the information available with them.

Q.      Explain the significance of various pricing policies and theories in the context of various types of market based on competition.

                   Pricing problem starts when a company finds a new product entering the market and making inroads and enjoying protection. The seller in this case has to resort to product differentiation. Pricing and product involves a good deal of strategy and skill on the part of the company.

(i)      Adaptation of prices to fit to the diverse competitive situations faced by different products :  Many firms involve themselves in the production of products which are either very identical or very close substitutes. Hence, the firm has, if it has to exist in the market, to adopt various methods in the fixations of price to meet the challenges. Product differentiation and price discrimination are some of the methods followed, though they are not healthy. The problems of risk, uncertainty are survival are present in the market.

(ii)     Flexibility to vary prices to meet changes in economic conditions affecting the various consumer industries : The economic environment in a country is not always constant. The national and international forces have an impact on the economic conditions and they in turn affect market conditions and which in turn affect the price line. The price policy of a firm can not be rigid or conservative and it has to be flexible, capable of adoption and accommodation to the changing market circumstances.

(iii)    Maximisation of profits for the entire product line : Production stands for profit. Any firm would like to maximize its profit and firm exists to achieve this goal. The profit incentive is always there, whether it is public sector or private sector.

(iv)    Frequent change of price policy and price decision are not conductive to the health of the firm. Ox illation in price affect the other economic variables like savings, investments, production, budgeting etc. price stability leads to economic stability.

(v)     Promotion of the long range welfare of the firm : The firm would like to maintain its status and further its welfare measures. In order to weed out unhealthy competition from the production process and to maintain its position in the market, the firm has to resort to the promotion of long range welfare through price mechanism. The price strategy adopted by the firm should be such that it should not only discourage competitions entering in the field but also guarantee the firm's continued existence in the market.

                   Availability of close substitutes or complementary products also influence the price volume decision of a product. If a product has a close substitute then its market will be more valuable, otherwise static.

                   In general, a market is a group of people and firms which are in contact with one another for the purpose of buying and selling some product. It is not necessary that every member be in contact with over other. The central phenomenon in the functioning of any marketing is competition. Competitive behavior is molded by the market structure of the product under consideration. It is therefore, necessary to understand the concept 'Market Structure.'

                   A simple definition of this concept is "Market structure refers to the number and size distribution of buyers and sellers in the market for a good or service" Implicit in this concept is an idea that the market structure for a product not only include firms and individuals currently engaged in buying and selling, but also the potential entrants.

(a)     Perfect competition.

(b)     Monopoly.

(c)      Monopolistic competition.

(d)     Oligopoly.

(a)     Perfect Competition : It is characterized by a large numbers of buyers and sellers of an essentially identical product. Each member of the market, whether buyer or seller, is so small in relation to the total industry volume that he is unable to influence the price of the product. Individual burgers and sellers are essentially price takers. At the ruling price a firm can sell any quantity. Since, there is free entry and exit, no firm can earn excessive profits in the long run.

(b)     Monopoly : In the monopoly situation there is just one producer/seller of a product. The firm has substantial control over the price. Further, if product is differentiated and if there are no threats of new firms entering the same business, a monopoly firm can manage to earn excessive profits over a long period of time.

(c)      Monopolistic Competition : In this type of market structure, there are large number of firms selling differentiated products. The differentiation may be real or in perceived by the customers. Firms in such a market structure have some control over price. By and large, they are unable to earn huge profits in long-run.

(d)     Oligapology : It is a market structure, in which a small number of firms account for the whole industry's output. The product may or may not be differentiated. The nature of products is such that very often one finds entry of new firm difficult. Oligopoly is characterized by vigorous competition where firms manipulate bath price and volumes in an attempt to outstared their rivals. No generalization can be made about profitability scenarios.

Q.      Write an essay on Management Information Systems (MIS).

                   Management Information systems (MIS) can be defined as follows :-

                   "An MIS (Management Information Systems) is a comprehensive and coordinated set of information systems which are rationally integrated and which transform data into information in a variety of ways to enhance productivity is conformance with managers style and characteristics on the basis of established quality criteria."

                   MIS is an old management tool. It was in use by business managers, well before the emergence of the computer, as a means for better management and scientific decision-making. In fact, during the eighteenth century business firms in U.S.A. were making use of management information system, through the system then followed was not as complex as it is today. The system has to take care of the environment and the need prevailing from time to time. The greater is the complexity of the environment, the lesser would be the simplicity of a system. With the coming up of large business corporation in USA towards the end of the eighteenth century need was felt to enlarge the MIS to cater to the growing and declassified information needs of the corporations to deal with complex and multi-variable problems.

                   MIS provides for the identification of relevant information needs, the collection of relevant information, processing of the same to became usable by the business managers, and timely dissemination of processed information to the users of the information for properly managing the affairs of an enterprise by informed decisions. For example, in a competitive market for products manufactured by an enterprises. Its management needs information on the pricing policy of the competitors, specialist of completing products, sales techniques etc. to effectively combat the effect of the competition. The design of MIS reflects not only a rational approach for optimization of benefits but takes due note of behavioral impacts on organizational decision-making.

                    MIS in its present form has been valued from the following disciplines in Management.

(i)      Managerial Accounting : This branch of accounting is concerned with cost analysis and its behavior, which is useful for managerial decisions. Cost analysis is used in managerial accounting to determine the most relevant cost for decision-making. It employees techniques such as capital budgeting, break-even analysis, transfer pricing, etc. It is mainly oriented towards internal management and control and is therefore closely identified with MIS. Managerial accounting knowledge is of great help in ascertaining the information requirements, carrying analysis. In designing forms for procuring and providing information.

(ii)     Management Science : It means the application of scientific method and quantitative analysis techniques or operation research techniques to management problems. The use of management science methods emphasizes on the use of systematic approach to problem solving and application of scientific method to investigation. It utilities mathematical and statistical procedures for analyzing problems. Finally, it aims at achieving optional decision.

(iii)    Management Theory : There were several management theories behavioral, empirical, decision, quantitative and management process, out of these, decision theory and management process are more relevant to us. According to decision theory, the most important tasks of managers is to make decisions.

The second theory known as 'Management Process' is the most widespread approach to management, under this management is defined in terms of what managers do. According to this management performs the functions of planning, organizing staffing, directing and controlling.

(iv)    Computers : Computers were riot originally planned of processing information but today this is the major use for which they are applied in business situations. The reasons for this are their speed of processing, calculating and retrial of data. In fact, computer technology has been considered a major factor in including MIS development. It has come as a significant tool in information processing storage.

MIS is a system that aids management in making, carrying out and  controlling decisions. Following are the elements of MIS :

(i)      Management : One of the definition of management is that it is a process, in the sense of operations of functions necessary to achieve certain end results. Management is a human and social continuous process to the extent that the cycle of stages or steps  is never ending and is repeated over and over again. It is generally conceptualized that management process consists of a few inter-related elements that are also termed as the functions of management.

(ii)     Planning : Planning is defined as the process of determination of organizational objective and the formulation of strategies, policies and programmes for achieving them. Planning ins future oriented and is concerned with charting out the desired future decision or organization activities.

(iii)    Organizing : Organizing is the process of designing the structure of organization activities, authority responsibility roles and relationships among the personnel, organizing entailed division and combination of activities and jobs of people.

(iv)    Staffing : Staffing is the process of determining the man power requirements of the organization and of inducting the required manpower- both managerial and non-managerial though such steps as recruitment, selection, training and so on. It involves the task of developing the human resources of the organization on a sustained basis.

(v)             Directing : Directing in the process of activating the plans, structure and group efforts in a desired direction. It is considered with implementation of the plans and programme by mobilizing individual and group efforts through leadership, motivation and communication for achieving organizational goal.

(vi)           Controlling : Controlling is the process of regulating the on-going activities of the organization to ensure that they are in conformity with predetermined plans and produced the planned results.

(vii)        Information : Information is the most important element in any management information system. In general the planning information requirements of executives can be categorized into three broad categories. Information can be defined as "data that has been processed into a farm that in meaningful to the recipient and is or real or perceived value in current of prospective decisions.

Q. Explain the role of Personal computers in business.

                   In today's environment a computer system has acquired a lot of users acceptance in terms of various routine tasks to be performed on it. Routine office tasks, such as sending letters or tracking schedules are now automated by computer system. Users of a computer system use a range of applications including world processors, spreadsheets and communication programme to help them to complete these tasks. Virtually every one uses a variety of office automation applications. Software which help in making a personal computer as a virtual office automation is MS OFFICE, LOTUS SMART SUITE etc. Various office related jobs which can be easily performed with the help of a computer system are :

          Filling : Computer based filling system saves space. Nat only this, data from the office can be carried back to home and one can complete the work with data it one has computer system at one's place. With the help of internet, even if one is out of turn one can remain in touch with one's office and can transfer data from one's location to one's office and Vice-Versa.

          Using Graphics : Numerical comparisons may be graphically represented, this is done using the graphics software. CAD is used for engineering design.

          Communication Networks : LAN can be used for transmission of documents and message from one location to another. Through distributed data processing, users transmit data to a central computer from local terminals. Data from a centralized corporate data base may be distributed to smaller local files.

          Fascimile transmission : Facsimile (Fax) machines transmit the actual image on a page. A copy of the original document is crated at the receiving station.

          Computer Based Message Systems : Documents can be created, distributed, filed, stored and destroyed electronically using a computer network and electronic mail. The recipient is identified using identification numbers or names. The message is received and stored in memory. Video conferencing capability allow people to communicate face to face without traveling. Such capability was initially used to connect a few executives in two or tree locations. These days, such systems are used to correct thousands of people to the same presentation. A Private Branch connect thousands of organizations. PBX (Private Branch Exchange) allowed for local office communication over telephone lines. A branch exchange is a switching system that enables telephones to be connected to each other.

          Advantages of working from a virtual office may seem obvious more freedom, more flexibility, the opportunity to be at home. It reduces the stress levels by providing an opportunity to complete the work during off hours also as one can get connected to the company with the help of network. It benefits the user from being able to manage his/her time more effectively. Thus one can term a personal computer as a virtual office in clearly defined terms.

          Different areas where computers have made a remarking impact for doing business are; Education; computers are being extensively used at all levels of education and training. The storage features are user-friendliness of the computers have paved their way into this field computers are used in computer Aided Learning i.e. students learn their subjects with the help of a computer.

          Science and Technology : The computing ability of a computer is being extensively made use in this field. All scientific research works are now based on computers, which give accurate results in a very short time. Many problems which were considered impossible to manipulate, either because of their complexity or because of the amount of time required to be spent, have been rendered possible by computers.

          Engineers make use of computer in the analysis of design programmes. Telephone exchanges have also undergone computation. In recent years computers have played a vital role in satellite communication system by virtue of which we are able to communicate with the most rebate area as well.

          Medicines : Computers are also used in medical research and diagnosis. In hospitals, records of patient are being maintained using computers. The entire administrative work, which includes imparting information about the patients etc. is computerized. Computers are also used in preparation of certain medical report like CT Scan, ultrasound, ECG, Colposcope etc.

          Law and order : Lawyers use computer for recording their cases and retrieving information for a particulars case. This is for superior way of maintaining records of cases according to the required classification, than the manual method. In advance countries there is a central database from which lawyers can hair access to information through their terminals.

          The police and traffic departments are also using computers for their respective functions computers have proved to be very useful in crime detection techniques like finger-print identification, even road and air traffic control has undergone computerization.

          Commerce : Many manufacturing and processing industries have undergone total computerization, computers are assisting in designing and manufacturing of products and these techniques are called as CAD (Computer Aided Design) and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing).

                   Thus one can say that there is hardly any field of business application which is not influenced by computers. The impact of computers is such that is anybody refuses to accept computers he/she is soon bound to become outdated.

Q.      Write a situation in your own life or the experience of someone else where "Perception" has played vital role in determining the level of success or failure.

                   In the Gita, Lord Sri Krishna told "Saresta Purusha Ki Nakal Manushya Karega" mean Great personalities will be followed by people in all era. This is a natural property of human being. Every one has an aim in his life. To achieve this aim all have their Role models. One who wants to became a scientist his role modal might be Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam or Dr. Hamijahangir Bhabha. One who wants to become a film star his role model might by Amitabh Bachchan or Shahurkh Khan. One who wants to become statement his role model might be Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru or Dr. Rajendra Prasad. One who wants to be an Engineer his role model might be Dr. Vishveshwaraiya or Er. E. Sridharan one who wants to be a doctor his role model might be Dr. Naresh Tarehan or Dr. Venugopal. One who wants to be a businessman his role model might be Jamshedjee Tata or Dhirubhai Ambani. People initiate their role model or in other words the perception of their role model plays a key role.

                   My friends role model is Rahul Gandhi. On his request he resigned from the job and joined politics. Earlier people joined politics in later age. After having some experience they decide to do social services and some political parties.

                   Rahul's Gandhi differs from this concept. He is interested in youth to become a part of politico. Getting perception from Mr. Gandhi. My friend joined congress, Earlier he was a simple member of the party. Then he became secretary of his native district. He them, fought Assembly election and win from his constituency by thumping majority. At present he is state minister in his state.

                   He has taken right decision in right moment. He is leading a very successful life at present.

Q.      Assume that you are a sales executive in XY (P) Ltd. selling computers, your head quarter is situated at Mumbai, You are entrusted with the task of studying the potential for the sales in the city Trunelveli.  After having studies, write a report to the Managing Director of the company.


                   Report Number - 101

                   XY    Private Ltd.



                   A Report on sales

                   potential market



                   in Tiruvelveli City.



                   Prepared for

                   The Managing Director


                   P.P. Priyadarshi

                   Sales Executive


                   21st of June, 2010


                   Computer is the basic need of day today life. No office or institute can be managed smoothly without the help of computer.

                   The city Tirunelveli situated at the coast of Bay of Bengal. It is a District town and has enormous scope of computer system. I have studied most of the places where computers are required.

          (i)      List of Banks visited.

          (ii)     List of Schools visited.

          (iii)    List of Institutes visited.

          (iv)    List of Hospitals visited.

          (v)     List of Business Houses visited.

          (vi)    List of Industries visited.


          List of Banks visited -

Sl.No.                   Name of the Banks                  Address      No. of computers require

1.                State Bank of India        A Lane                           25

2.                Punjab National Bank   B Lane                           36

3.                Canara Bank                  B3 Lane                         40

4.                HDFC Bank                            D Street                         35

5.                ICICI Bank                    C Street                          20

(v)     List of Business Houses Visited.

Sl.No.         Name of Business House                   Address      No. of computer required

1.       M/s Medicine Distributors       X-Lane                           5

2.       M/s Shiva Enterprises             Y-Street        &nb
