Fool'S Paradise
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Fool's Paradise


Lover’s Paradise- Fool’s paradise??

Many times you see in the world that people get away with a lot of crap just because they are in a relationship with someone. Who you are, what your achievements are , are of consequence, then why is it important who loves you and who doesn’t? You might be the most loved person the earth, but if your core is rotten, no matter where or how you are, you will always be in question.

Relationships, affairs and social contexts are all fine, but how far can you go on these parameters alone? Ultimately, it’s who you are as person that counts, as an individual, not what your peers think of you, or how many trophy men you’ve bedded.

And what happens to those who are independent, unfettered and on their own? Well, they just lose the game even if they are the best person fit for the role?

Many times to avoid challenges, or attacks, or for a temporary sense of security, people, especially women, compromise on their values and enter illegitimate and obnoxious alliances, little realizing that they are just jumping from the fuel into the fire! It is ultimately a battle you have to wage single handedly. No matter who you are connected with, where your contacts go, the truth is that you have to fight your own way up any ladder, whether the corporate or spiritual!

So, it comes as no surprise that all those who are leaning on other supports for material or spiritual gains, are in essence, sure to lose sight of the ultimate goal.
