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Latest postings by neha singh

Silicon India Summit 25th March 2011 2011-03-01   23:10:41 Silicon India is a company devoted to technology. I am a member on t ...more>>
Disidentifying from thought After a few years of meditation, you must be able to watch your thoughts. And if you can, there’s reason ...more>>
These things make no sense I am not an economics expert, but even for the layman, certain modern innovations make no sense as they empl ...more>>
The IPL fiasco Just to worsen the worldwide sentiments of bankruptcy and cheating, the IPL too seems to have gone down the wrong way. A ...more>>
Tharoor- My heart bleeds for Tharoor Shashi Tharoor is unnecessarily being drawn into one controversy over another. He has no criminal ...more>>
Politics of the good Even good people have to resort to some kind of politics to survive. So, their main game plan is to turn potential ...more>>
Lover’s Paradise- Fool’s paradise?? Many times you see in the world that people get away with a lot of crap just because they are i ...more>>
ISRA Training programs for corporate workers Today, I had the most exciting, grueling but rewarding experience of my life. I attended a ...more>>
Coming of age! I attended the SiliconIndia International Women’s Leadership Summit that was held simultaneously in all the Metros of ...more>>
The Indian workplace is fast becoming a battleground between good and evil. In this case, its not the good that always wins. Evil has a new ...more>>