Politics Of The Good
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Politics of the good


Politics of the good

Even good people have to resort to some kind of politics to survive. So, their main game plan is to turn potentially good people into doing evil things so that they can maintain their status quo. Many weak people fall for this strategy as they don’t believe in being good. And it’s easier to turn bad. So, the really good people capitalize on the weaknesses of these half baked good people and turn them towards an evil lifestyle.

The gamble usually pays off, because the half baked good people still have retained some evil and bad qualities, which the good people thrive on and turn them into potential monsters. Thereby making sure that they maintain their qualities of being good and the bad rivals then stand no chance against the good ones, as their reputations are damaged and they were not far sighted enough.

You can see this happening everywhere, especially in the corporate set up. Your boss will always try to make you do bad things and inevitably, most of us fall into this trap. Doing bad deeds is indeed really bad for the human psyche, and if you fall for this kind of politics, then you’ve had it.

The good person, to keep his position strong, will compel an average person to do bad things, and if the person is not strong enough, will ultimately triumph in the end. So, the next time you are tempted to be bad, think twice before you take that evil step. It is probably a ploy to tarnish your reputation and compel you to act against your true nature, so that you emerge as an evil person. And if god forbids, you have already fallen in this trap, then you must try to do good things, before you fall into the depths of evil and lose your evolutionary stand!
