My Heart Bleeds For Tharoor
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My heart bleeds for Tharoor


Tharoor- My heart bleeds for Tharoor

Shashi Tharoor is unnecessarily being drawn into one controversy over another. He has no criminal record, as does Lalit Modi, and is just a hopeless libertarian caught up in archaic red tape.

So, he’s a man of letters and being from a liberal background, took the necessary steps to let his thoughts be known through Twitter, but so what? Do we suppose that a person who has written such mind boggling books like the Great Indian Novel etc, is just going to sit on his laurels, like an old, dilapidated patriarch?

I feel the politics and the politicians of India are too rigid, narrow minded and short thinking to be able to accommodate a liberal thinker like him. What did he do wrong? OK, he had an affair, but why is everyone so jealous? And his girlfriend got some stake in the IPL, so what?

He is just a victim of an old system of thought. He should not have resigned and should have fought his detractors tooth and nail. What, is a person in the public domain not supposed to have a personal life? Tharoor should never have come back to India. There is just no place for forward thinking intellectuals like him here.

Just because he is a Stephanian and an IVY league graduate, is he not a human being first? Why can’t we become realistic in our expectations of our leaders? I feel he did the right thing and no, he didn’t even bungle, or blow it! He was just being himself and all of us self righteous and overtly critical people have judged him harshly.
