Freshers Need More Job Opportunities...
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Freshers need more job opportunities...

Support Team
Thanks to the recent excuse called RECESSION, freshers - engineering/management or other plain grads - are getting short of job opportunities. Here is the current scenario:
  1. the placement cell of college is turning their back to the students.
  2. the off-campus and pool campus being organized simply make fool of the talent.
  3. the Consultants are making money out of the necessity of the students.
  4. the training and certification institutes are also trapping poor students.
We at OpenCampus have strongly felt for a pan India Campus Recruitment Service where every student is eligible to test his/her caliber against the job opportunities that we make available for them.

We have selected a few major cities where the recruitment drives organized by OpenCampus will be conducted. They are as under -
Sl. No. Service Location Sl. No. Service Location
1 Bangalore/Bengaluru 2 Bhubaneshwar
3 Hyderabad 4 Jamshedpur
5 Kolkata 6 Lucknow
7 Mumbai 8 New Delhi
9 Patna 10 Pune

So what exactly is OpenCampus? Well, we are a service provider pledged to serve you with unlimited job opportunities for a time frame of one year.

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