Cracks In The Twitter?
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Cracks in the Twitter?

Business development manager
When MySpace first launched in 2003, I don't think anyone could have predicted how much social media would take off.

In just five years, social networking has not only changed the way we communicate. It has changed the way we do business, becoming an essential marketing tool that allows firms to network, advertise and attract more customers.

Now, as everyone rushes to join sites such as Twitter and Facebook, can all this new technology keep up and cope with demand? Today's BBC news story about Twitter fighting off a worm virus at the weekend certainly doesn't offer much reassurance.

Apparently 'tens of thousands of users' were infected by the self-replicating computer program, something that was set up to promote a rival site and expose vulnerabilities in Twitter.

Although no sensitive information was compromised, the incident just shows how vulnerable social networking sites can be. It explains why some firms are still reluctant to embrace social media.

Bottom line? Although incidents like these can occur - and various factors can not be controlled - social networking is a very powerful medium and one that allows you to keep in touch and communicate with new customers. Without it, businesses could be left behind.