Corruption, NON-Vegetarian, Alcohol, Save Tiger Campaigns Are Tamasic CONgress CONSISM
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Corruption, NON-vegetarian, Alcohol, save tiger campaigns are Tamasic CONgress CONSISM

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See interview of Pramod Purushotham Kaimal
So called Creation is a MIX of Tamasic, Rajasic and SATWIC. Cycle of this Manifestation moves on from SATWIC through Rajasic towards The Tamasic, and so we are seeing the ascendence of TAMASIC Now, getting ready for a PRALAYA before starting ALL OVER again from the SATWIC. The indian national congress, bahujan samaj are the expressions of this TAMAS that has to PRALAYA before Satwa can BLOOM forth in its PURE; where / when ever a CHOICE is available STICK to Satwa that is TO BLOOM, Tamas is rightly leading to the Destruction it is DESTINED. Satwa is Natural, Pluck-able fruits and Vegetables, TRUTHFULNESS, Transparency.
