Look Beyond The Obvious
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look beyond the obvious

Software engg
See interview of Rajan  Singh
Creativity is about looking beyond the most obvious or easiest solution to a problem. Creative people push their ideas beyond the first reaction and try to see the problem in a fresh way, from another angle. Sometimes, even for the very creative, this is hard to do. Especially if you've been working on the problem for a while and you can't see past the problem.

Each of you have at least one unresolved, unfinished and problematic problem or idea. This is the piece that you've worked on, struggled with, you don't like, and can't finish for some reason (other than lack of time). This is the piece your going to work on in the final project.

Study this work. Identify and write down why this piece isn't working. Is it color, composition, form, texture, shape? Are you bored with it? Did you think when you started it was a brilliant idea, but somehow you've lost interest? Define the specific problem that you have with the piece and put it into words that you can share.

Bring an open mind, a willingness to experiment, a spirit of cooperation, a desire to resolve your own work, and a desire to allow others to help resolve their ideas, problems or needs. Many of us alreadywe're going to help each other figure out solutions for your work and how to get there.

The atmosphere you want to create for your project is collaborative and fun but also centered on productivity. No sitting around - think and work hard.

Go for it and continue to strive for your goal and your achievement in what you seek. Look beyond the obvious. Finish your goal and you will be better prepared to target the ideals or problems you choose to find.
