Corruption Institutionalised In India,The Future?
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corruption institutionalised in India,the future?

academic advisor engg education
Corruption like malaria has been in India's blood over a century in mild form The British trained theIndian lower  beuracracy to practice and to take advantage of the gullible,poor,illerate population and  according selective favours through bribes and services and fill their pockets and collect riches for the crown.the next strata to which the disease spread was the literate ,Brtish educated govt servants and the advisors to the erstwhile indian aristocracy,princes and zamindaries,rivh landowners.Only a select set of Indians by will became free of this malaise by sheer will and led by the Gandhian principles,freedom fighters.The Independence and the successive Govt .learnt the art of control of masses by the British techniques and led to multiple standards and institutionalisation through the "LICENSE RAJ'" which still persists in India,whoever is in power.The parliamentary sytem of democracy and legislature,party stranglehold on the ministers including the PM and a weak position of the President practically at the mercy of the party in power has made corruption in public life and almost every branch of life including education, Agriculture,Industry decay and degenerate and what we are seeing today is almost all shades of politicians and political class have replaced the British as rulers and agitations ,violence,suicides out of helplessness and frustation with the democracy attained by the honest,sacrifice of freedom fighters are forced on the population.Without the Supreme court forced to  adjudicating in almost   everysmallthing,without the CBI investigating every bribe taken and scams galore and the process of bringing to book the criminals and protect the rights of people and their helplessness because of political ,govtal interference and control life and living in this country is coming to a standstill .Unless there is a change of mind sets ,.If people want to clean the mess they must trash all corrupt politicaians from election by not voting them.A strong constitutional body like the LOKPAL is a must where the Supreme court has clean judges and free to act,the bearucracy must be cleaned from top to bottom.the right to recall like electing is also to be incorporated,and an independent CBI led by officers who are clean ,honest and of Integrity is a mus Otherwise the parliamentary system of  democracy in India may go the way Pakistan is suffering.We need soul searching by the Centre and state govts as well.Prople should wake up to bring the changes.Merit must replace reservations of all kinds.

Otherwise should we  welcome the predictions of dooms' day with the BIG BANG experiments being done by the Scientists & unleashing  the collapse of the Unniverse,drying of rivers.earthquakes and ,global warming,melting of the polar ice,tsunamiees?.Wake up politicians ,govts and people of India and save INDIA .

ORr perish.
