3 IDIOTS - a learning for moulding india

It's time for our educators to wake up, as they transform the most interesting subjects into disastrously painfull experiences. Parents are no less, ruining the childhood of their kids by trying to live their personal complexes through their children - by labeling it as their 'dreams'. To achieve this they pressurise them which further moves them one step forward towards suicide.
This is what 3IDIOTS is all about! it's not a film, it's a great teaching to all students, education runners and parents.
I don't want to state more on our's education system nor do i want i to write what this movie is all about.
All the excitement was in seeing big boys in their undergarments exclaiming 'tohfa kabul karo', one should not forget the message that the film gives - that engineering colleges are breeding grounds of inhumane ragging in our country after being taken so rigid steps by the government, and this needs to be stopped for which we the youths need to be strong enough that neither to take or give ragging without being pressurised of being afraid by senior or any terror influencing them.. Moreover, government must have a regular check by making authorities surprise visit to the colleges to have a check.
One must not forget that for every suicide of a young child happening around us we all are responsible with the teachers and parents.
we must not forget as amir also told success is not measured by the amount of money been earned but by excelling in the thing we are passionate about and to do every thing with a motive to learn not just to simply cross the hurdles of examination. 3IDIOTS is not just a movie it's a learnig for our country in short...