Recession Take it easy
Has recession hit you or fearing to hit you?
Take it easy. Here are certain things I feel we can do to enjoy life in recession. Just think if it can be boon??
- Improve upon skills: We all know this situation will not last forever. Sometime doen the line this is going to change. Then why not to take time and work upon ourselve. There might be some skillsets which you thought may take you one step ahead in professional lie. There might have situation when your collegue grab the opportunity because of some edge and because of time you never had to learn those skills. Those can be technical skillset and non technical. Take time to find out if this is time can be used to work upon presentation skills. May be posible.
- Gain knowlege: Additional indutry knowledge we know always useful to hit that additional punch in ineterview... Then why not prepare for that. Have time?? then go ahead and read those brown paper and search Google.
- Time for health: It was always hectic schedule and work load whcih made you keep away from excersice and made feel guilty. This is the right time to take a look at shape and do something about it. Start early day and see the difference. May loose some KGs.
- Fulfill dreams: Wanted to become poet but came into IT. HEre is the right time to persue your hobby and unfullfilled desires. Let it be Acting, Painting, Poetry, composition this is the time you can start with. A best opportunity to look in to ourselve.
- Take a break: Can it be enjoyed it has holiday?? May be. Visit native place. Swim into river. Go onto hill. Climb mango tree. Wow thinking of enjoying. then do it.
- Visit relatives: Your uncle, Grandfather always complainted about your busy ness(???). Take a time to visit them and listen to them. This may give energy and wisdome to look at life in difficult days.
- Get Married: Don't laugh. I think if you have chosen your partner this is the time you can have long Honeymoon. Isn't it? At least you get more time to get know each other. What an idea?
These are my views. Let me know what do you think?