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Business Anaylst

Build integrity with your clients

Because of word-of-mouth referrals, satisfied customers can be the best advertisement for your business. However, building and maintaining integrity is not a task that can be achieved overnight. Cultivating a reputation of integrity and honesty requires your ongoing dedication and resolve. By doing so, your practice will continue to grow and prosper.

Below are some important fundamentals to remember when building integrity within your practice:

Get organized for compliance. Make your files your friend. Use your experience to design simple forms for recording information, and document every conversation and meeting you have with clients. This will save you time and headaches in the future.

Be a leader in compliance. Get the best, most up-to-date training that is available. Lead by example, and create an atmosphere where honesty and integrity are valued.

Communications should be clear, prompt and courteous. Delays and misunderstandings can mean damaged trust with clients.

Fairly represent yourself and your products. Don’t create false impressions, and work hard to avoid misrepresentations.

Teach your clients. You are a resource consumers are seeking for the right solutions. Honor that trust by providing clear, understandable information about even the most complicated products.

Practice needs-based selling. Every recommendation should be made based on an analysis of the client’s goals, needs and what they can afford now and in the future.

Practice greater professionalism. Keep up with current compliance requirements, participate in continuing education and engage in fair competition.