We Owe A Lot To The Indians
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We Owe a Lot to the Indians

"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made". Albert Einstein 

Not too many countries can say that their civilization made great contributions to the world. Most societies in ancient times excelled in art work and literature. But India with its failure to maintain a unified empire, still excelled in many areas. Some of their greatest achievements are; art, sculpture, mathematics, science and religion. Not only did they achieve these great things, but they also introduced games that we play today. India has made tremendous contributions to the world we live in today.

People have been living in India for thousands of years.

You can start to see why India is so amazing. While other civilaliations make minimal to no contributions, India stands out above them all. India and its people are so amazing and very smart. Who would have thought

about astrology back then? One would think that they would be thinking about feeding their people, and raising their children, and yet at the same time they were.

One might think that games like that of Chess, snakes and ladders, polo, playing cards and martial arts were all invented in either China or American right? Wrong! Actually there is evidence that all of these games were played in India, and strongly suggest that they may have been invented here.

The world we know changes rapidly from day to day. Each day brings new advances in scientific technology, medicine, transportation, communication and even the way we prepare or foods and the way we dress. In spite of all the changes, India's past continues to weigh in the present day. In the way they think, worship, work, play, in their marriage customs and relationships with friends. The way that they lived 4,000 years ago; does not seem to have changed much over the course of time. Numerous races and tribes, bearing different religious ideas, customs and practices, have made their contributions and helped shape the culture of India that we know today. The differences in skin color, in the style of they way they dressed and in the language they spoke, and religious practices provide telltale evidence of the mingling of widely differing races and tribes.

Here are some interesting statistics about Indians today. These statistics are of the total percentages of Indians in America today that hold high ranking jobs in America.

• "There are about 3.22 million Indians in America.

• 38 % of Doctors are Indians.

• 12 % of Scientists are Indians                                         

• 36 % of NASA employees are Indians

• 34 % of Microsoft employees are Indians

• 28 % of IBM employees are Indians

• 17 % of Intel Employees are Indians

• 13 % of Xerox employees are Indians

• 23 % of Indian community in America possesses a Green Card."

India is a very cultural place. They have contributed a lot to the world that we know today. They are incredible and smart people, who are satisfied by the life they were given. This cannot be said for those that are in poverty in America. Once people in American get to the poverty line or below, they give up, and become angry. They are obviously not as spiritual endowed as the Indians. Maybe the Indians are right about life after death. I strongly believe that if you do well, and try to help those in need, then you will be given a much better life next time around. This is not saying that I am a Hindu or Buddhism believer, but in some strange way I think that almost everyone believes in a life after death. That's why we go to church and ask for forgiveness for our sins. So at some level we all believe in doing good and trying to get into a better life or even through the gates to heaven; rather then the gates of hell.
