<<< Cattle Rights Headed The Wrong Way In India! >>>
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<<< Cattle Rights headed the wrong way in India! >>>

Business Analyst
I read with dismay in the newspapers that in Karnataka, some Bill has been passed, allowing slaughter of Cattle above 12 years old! This is a change from the previous where they were not supposed to slaughter any cattle, and unfortunately, this one's a change definitely for the worse.

Obviously, cattle welfare groups are either non-existent in the country, or not doing enough.

I guess what the Bill means is that henceforth the Cows, buffaloes...that are worked to the bone, and beaten and starved and worked till their old age...after the've toiled all their lives, they will simply be carted off to die a horrible death in slaughter houses! THere's no worse unhumanity than to do this to God's creatures.

Why has India agreed to this Bill, at a time of prosperity and abundance? Doesn't the country have a bit of extra grass to feed these poor creatures in their old age, is the country so starved of food that their old worn carcasses mean so much?

Cows...long considered symbolic of our "Mothers". 

Is this how we treat them in old age? 

Everyone knows that Slaughter houses in INdia are often not maintained properly, i.e. the animals are at times tortured and die very painfully, it's not like in developed countries. For that matter, even Cattle Farms often need improvements.

IN short, even during their lives, these animals toil wiothout food or water. Let's not pretend that Indian Cows are treated on par with developed countries.  They ARE routinely abused, tortured, beaten, starved...I have literally seen this happen in the streets of INdia.

So, not only are they being tortured during their active lives, now they're going to be slaughtered when they're old. Great! What a great Humanity!

Remember this--> For a country to remain happy and prosperous, it's Animals...the ones whose Back the country runs on, they need to be happy too.

Humanity, goodness, kindness....a Society that lacks these qualities will surely torture its Cattle, but a Society that has these qualities will treat its animals well. That's the truth. So which category do the India societies belong to?

S. Iyer
