Lets Vote
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Lets Vote

Business Analyst

A guide for the Voters

Preamble: India is the world’s largest democracy. We, the educated citizens of the country believe in the power of voting to drive extraordinary social and economic change. Vote must be properly harnessed – incorporated into each community’s social, cultural, historic, economic and political context. Human development is about people: their desire and struggle to uphold their dignity, expand their freedoms and lead lives that they value.

Given this backdrop, “Let’s Vote” initiative is aimed at helping the citizens of our nation to find their voice, exercise their right, and contribute to positive development outcomes. To help build this India, we:

Engage and educate: We need a passionate, pragmatic, energetic and thoughtful member base to create development and global sustainability

Reach out: We build awareness among our fellow Professionals of ‘exercising their vote’ and link their action to human development

“Let’s Vote” envisions a responsive, and responsible society exercising their right to vote, thereby electing an accountable team to lead and govern.

“Let’s Vote” promotes societal development and positive nation building through sensitizing professionals to cast their vote.

Charter: We use a people-first approach: We understand that development is a people-centric process, and that voting is a means, not an end, to choosing the right team. We want to focus on the significance of ‘casting one’s vote’ and its role in enabling society and spur growth and development

We focus on finding sustainable solutions to root-cause problems:
We seek solutions that can address illiteracy, malnutrition, unemployment, underemployment, that are at the root of the challenges facing a developing community

We maximize social returns by sensitizing:
We strive to promote ever-increasing social returns by encouraging all to become more active and involved citizens

We seek to work on unbiased, nonpartisan basis without moving into the arena of any preferred political leanings, thus leaving the choice of which party or candidate to vote to, to the educated Indian, as is expected in our democratic process.

To know your polling booth visit: http://www.pollingbooth.in/
Send an SMS in this format:
CEO <Voter ID> or HNO <6-16/1> and send it to 56677.
