Five Ways To Improve Metabolism
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Five ways to improve metabolism

1.Early bedtime free fat

People used to stay up late, usually because a longer time from the last meal, it is easier to feel hunger, the desire to stimulate thought late night.

Early to bed only to avoid eating too many unnecessary calories, but also allows the various organs of the body to get enough rest and detoxification. If the long-term lack of sleep, but also make the road more difficult thin Oh!

2.Low-calorie snacks carry

If you always can not help but want to eat something, then it may carry some healthy low-calorie snacks to avoid hunger too, or can not resist the temptation to eat a bunch of high-oil high-sugar snacks. Suggest that you select "small package" snacks, eliminating the inconvenience of collections, but also can effectively control components. Such as natural dried fruit, light fiber cereal flakes, mixed nuts, etc., are small series on the bag and desk indispensable companion too!

3.Wear warm hot food hot

Low winter temperatures, you want to avoid the cold, in addition to more than add a few pieces of clothing, drink some hot drinks flower nectar, ginger, hot water, etc., can also help the body fight the cold Oh!

4.Are both aerobic muscle

A cold weather, many people may want to shrink in bed, too lazy to exercise; Indeed, the effect of thin winter than in the summer much better too!

Let the body through aerobic exercise to improve metabolism, but also to improve the problem of cold hands and feet; If adding an appropriate amount muscle movement, but also help to improve muscle mass, burn more calorie!

5.Warm bath metabotropic

A cold day in a warm bubble bath of hot water is definitely a great enjoyment in life.

Bath can promote circulation, accelerate metabolism, the body warm bath, and better able to withstand cold weather due to the initiation of appetite!
