Three Kinds Of Nutritional Let You Thin And Beautiful
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Three kinds of nutritional let you thin and beautiful

1.Protein (protein food)
Nutrition teacher said, mainly to reduce calories from sugar and fat to start with, but will have to maintain a certain protein. Because the protein having the effect of body tissue repair, and generation of coordination had relied on many physiological functions. The fierce heat of protein minus the result, the hair did not shine, even in good spirits up.

2.Fiber, vitamins (vitamin food) supplements
This is bound to keep the skin supple white food intake. And it benefits not only make you beautiful, even a day will do "big" things will help you better handled well.
We all know that cellulose can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion (digested food), constipation have superior efficacy. Do not know constipation (constipation food) will affect the abdominal blood circulation, impede the flow of lymph, so that the waste can not be successfully eliminated, resulting in swelling of fullness below the waist. In addition to cellulose (cellulose food) as a hotbed for the growth of intestinal bacteria, can promote vitamin B2, B6 of growth, decomposition of fat have a direct and indirect help.2 day diet

3.Calcium (calcium foods) quality mineral intake
These must-growing dairy milk is both thin and beautiful little secret. About 1 kg of body calcium, want to have straight legs, calcium in your bones is indispensable. Inadequate calcium intake can affect communication, intellectual development nerves, and even muscle spasms. To reduce motion (movement of food) caused legs hurt, do not forget to add more calcium Oh!
