5 Leadership Examples Company Heads Should Know
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5 Leadership Examples Company Heads Should Know

There are companies that do all kinds of things. They might offer services, sell products, or both. They all share something in common: someone is running those businesses.

Depending on the corporate structure, the person who’s running the company might be the owner. It could be the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Executive Officer, or they might have some other job title.

As the operator, they have to make many decisions, and they likely have a lot of pressure on them.

That might not sound desirable for everyone, but some people thrive in these leadership positions. They need to exemplify certain qualities. We’ll take a moment right now to touch on some of the most crucial ones.

They Aviate, Navigate, and Communicate When They Face a Crisis

Some self-help entities believe there are 11 principles of leadership, but we’ll only mention five of the most vital ones now. When a crisis occurs that threatens a company, a true leader needs to know how to conduct themselves if they don’t want those around them to panic.

The phrase “aviate, navigate, and communicate” comes into play here. Aviate means the leader keeps the plane in the air, so to speak, the plane being the company.

They navigate, meaning they steer the company in the direction that makes the most sense, based on the difficulty confronting them. They also communicate with those in the chain of command directly below them, so there’s no confusion about what the strategy is and what everyone should do at this critical moment.

5 Leadership Examples Company Heads Should Know

They Take Care of Those Below Them

As a company head, you’re responsible for all those you lead. That means you’re trying to take care of your second-in-command, but then all the way down to someone who holds the most menial position.

It’s your job to make sure everyone in the company feels essential. No one should be trivial in your eyes, or their own, for that matter.

You must try to turn individuals into a team that works toward the same goals. If they’re not clear on those objectives, you need to remind them.

You need to make sure that everyone in the company has the tools they need to achieve success. When you do that, everyone wins.

Seek Responsibility Rather than Placing Blame

As a leader, when someone does something wrong, it’s easy to single out and blame them. Rather than pointing an accusatory finger, though, it’s better to think of this as a teachable moment.

You can chastise someone without making them feel ashamed or embarrassed. You can explain to the company how a problem behavior contributed to what happened, and you can pledge, also as a whole, to avoid that behavior in the future.

You can also not be quick to pull the trigger and fire someone unless you feel there’s no other option. You must carefully judge what behavior is so egregious that you no longer want the perpetrator with the company versus what worker you can salvage if you feel they can learn from the mistake and continue in their position.

Set and Maintain a Standard

Setting a firm standard for how you want your workers to behave is one of the most critical things you can do as a leader. You also have to follow and meet that standard yourself.

The term “leading by example” comes into play here. You’re trying to embody what a stellar company employee is. If that means working late because you’re trying to woo a new client or push for a new product to come out, you might have to do that.

You must always uphold the company’s standard, and when someone doesn’t do so, that’s a teachable moment as well. Try to treat it as such.

Demonstrate Your Intent in Word, Deed, and Thought

As the company’s leader, you’re like a parent trying to teach a child how to conduct themselves. This means showing your intent at all times, which should be promoting and boosting the company.

You can do so whenever you talk at work. You can indicate what you’re thinking, and you can make it crystal-clear through your actions.

Remember that if you say one thing but do another, there’s no reason why your employees should respect you. If you’re willing to work every bit as hard as they are, they will want to follow where you lead.

If you follow our instructions, there’s no reason why your company can’t be a resounding success.
