Question-Answer Series-3rd Question Set
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Question-Answer Series-3rd Question set

Assistant Manager

Hi All,

Please read all the highlighted lines bcoz one of my friend Divya has mentioned in her comment that nobody can give answer for my q/a series.

I hope these lines in itself is clear. If you need any further clarification then plz get back to me.

Here I am giving answer for the thrid question of my q/a series. If you think your answer is correct then I do not have nay problem to accept that as correct but will other accept that.

Just do one thing check your all the answer and matched with others answer. If it matched 80 % then come to me for claim of prize money.

Please find the 3rd set of my question answer series. Here I want to clear one thing, every answer is correct but you have to prove that. There is nothing wrong and right thing because everybody is different and they have different expereince in life. But atleast 80 % should be matched with my answer. Why! because this quiz is for my friends not for others. I am just testing who can understand me better and can work with me. So please participate and win.

1: What is the biggest problem in India?

A) Corruption

B) Population

C) Terrorism

D) Unemployment

Ans : A

2: Please priorities the below things as per your choice

A) Education

B) Carrier

C) Family

D) Money

E) Reputation

F) Love

G) Religion

H) Sex

Ans: C,E,F,G,D,B,A & H

3: Will you cast your vote or avoid the elections, please give reason?

Ans: Yes I have casted my vote and my favt. party is BJP. I belive this is our right to cast vote and select leader to run country smmothly and I love my counrty so I have casted Vote.

4: What you can do to reach your target

A) Everything

B) Anything

C) Nothing

D) None of the above (Please specify)

Ans: D, Because everybody has some limit so we can not do everything and anything. But We have some desire in our life so to fulfill that we have to do something means "nothing" is not possible in this world for anybody.

5: What is the right age of marriage for boys and girls and why?

Ans: When a boy and girl can understand each other and they think they can survive easily with their minimum efforts at that age. It can be different as per requirments. As per medical science it should after 18 for both.

6: What you will do if your best friend needs your help but your family (Life partner/parents) not like her/him?

Ans: I will not help my friend bcoz for me family is first and then friends. Please check ur answers as what u have given. Do not give contradictory answers.

7: Do you feel proud to be an Indian or Hindustani?

Ans: I feel proud to be a Hindustani and I hate word Indian. But unfortunatly this word attched with my country so I have to use it now and then. Indian word gives me lots of negative sense.

8: Co-education and Sex education given at any level is right or wrong and why?

Ans: Co-education so should be given from beginner stage and Sex education should be given after 8th standard in school.

9: What do you prefer Service or Own Business and why?

Ans: I like my own business bcoz I can not ask other to be my boss. I want to take my own decision and rule the life as per my wish.

10. Most surfed Subject on internet ?

Ans: Sex and porn sites

Plz check ur answers and then let me know what u think about this q/a series. I will explain all the answers but at the end.

Thanks & Regards

Alok Sharma
