Real success or merely thoughts, ideas, and images of suceess which truly drive the self
Success and Failure;
the place of the causes of existence, prsence and working;
Do their causes exists in self only; and drive it and help it with the reasons, strengths and energies of them only in the mind of own; for helping us to perform actions of them only;
or Is it due to the existence, presence and working of such cause in the life the self instead; in the world outside; that the self knows and follows the commands of them; performs duties of them and realizes either of the two as the reasons of self, for helping the self with; to grow, develop and prosper in the life of self.
The causes of happenings of success or failure in the life of self
Does success or failure happen to self in the life of self primarily because the self works hard; not only with desires and wants but also of strengths and powers of them only within; for achieving the goals of the work, actions, and performances of self?
If they happen to self in the life of self; then they ought to have causes; and if their causes already exists in the life of self; then we work with and by them only and not for achieving them as well.
What is it that we truly work for;
However If their causes; do not exist in the life of self then we in-fact work for gaining and achieving such causes only first;instead of success itself; and do so; through the goals of the work, actions, and performances of self.
What is important to self?
Is it the true causes and reasons of real success to guide and drive the self on the path of success itself; for helping us to continue to live, work, act and perform successfully in the life of self;
or is it the hard work of self; as done by self only; for meeting and fulfilling the wants, needs and requirements, and desires and demands of the goals of life of self.
Where from and how do we get both; i.e the true causes and reasons of real success; and qualities of hard work of self; and which amongst the two; truly assures and delivers success of self to self.
How important is it for self to achieve and become successful in the life of self and what are the true targets, goals, and results of success itself; which should be aimed at by the self , for achieving success.