Art Of Parenting
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Art of parenting

The biggest challenge parents face nowadays is giving their child a dream and persuading them to walk the dream. As parents you need to expose your children to multiple faculties like science, arts and most importantly service. Ensure that children have the required exposure to broaden their vision and deepen their roots. Every child comes o this planet with certain tendencies and basics which cannot be changed. As parents, encourage them to dream but do not give them false hope.

Make sure your child has the perfect blend of the right and the left brain activity. The concept of 'Saraswati' - the goddess of learning, is unparallelled in the world. There is a musical instrument in one of her hands and a book in another. The book depicts the left brain activity and the musical instrument the right brain. There is also the 'japa' mala which highlights the meditative aspect. So gaan, gyan and dhyan all three makes the education complete in all aspects.

Children can develop various complexes as they grow up. As parents you can play a very important role by fine gauging your child's behavior with different age groups. By observing this, you can understand whether they are developing any kind of inferiority and superiority complex or are being too much of an introvert or extrovert. If a child comes and complains, what do you do? Do you encourage the negativity or do you mould it to be something positive? You have to play a balanced role here. If they are talking negative about somebody, then you have to be their mirror to the positive side.

By nature, children have trusting tendencies. But as they grow old, somewhere their trust is broken or shaken. A healthy child will have three types of trust - in the divinity, in people and in the goodness of people. These three types of trust are the ingredients to make a child talented and a genius. If you keep telling children that everyone is a cheat, the child loses trust in people and society. When we create an atmosphere of trust, children grow up to be brilliant. But if we create an atmosphere of negativity, distress, dejection and anger then when they grow up they reflect that right back to us.

A little bit of religiosity, moral and spiritual values can make an impact on them. This would in some unknown manner enhance their personality. Make them do a bit of singing, chanting, meditation and pranayama. Teachers, gurus and mentors used to play the role of a counsellor. Increasingly, this is not available for the children. Parents have to play the dual role of both motivator and counsellor.
