Fight Against Corruption:Lessons From (Near) History
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Fight against corruption:Lessons from (near) history

Co Founder & CEO
See interview of Shivraj  Asthana
It was 3 days after Deepawli (the day celeberated as Lord Ram's homecoming after defeating the evil forces), on Nov 5, 1974 that Jayaprakash Narayan (one of Mahatma Gandhi's closest disciple)  launched a massive public movement in Bihar against corruption. On that fateful day, more than 1100 were arrested and, the 72 year old leader suffered injuries when police resorted to force to disperse the crowd. The movement gained strength with students and middle class joining en masse. It forced a change in political status quo, the party in power lost in the next elections, and the social forces in the state realigned dramatically.

Now after 13439 days since Nov 1974, Anna has picked up the thread to galvanize a move against corruption. Unlike JP, Anna has approached this problem from a legal angle, by insisting on creating a statute with enough teeth to fight the menace.

One may argue that having a law and enforcing it are two different things. However, presence of a legal obligation opens up the door for creating legal mandate for enforcing anti corruption measures. 

The problem of corruption is not limited to the political structure in the country. It is more pervasive as culture of corruption where everything goes and is acceptable. No one raises an eybrow if people step out of the line to gain some unfair advantage they are not entitled to. There is no protest at any level, if someone falls victim to wrongful excercise of discreation or funds are embezzled. Since  respect for the order (and the law) in the society is at the lowest ebb, those in power take its advantage to exploit everyone's weakness!

How do we tackle this multi headed Hydra? Society will need to go through some tough introspection and realize that corruption is worse than a zero sum game. It robs from Peter, starves Paul and weakens the basic fabric. Why did we let it go after 1974!!

Indian PM Manmohan singh was right when he said this problem needs to be confronted at several fronts and citizenry to step up...

Is that not exactly what Anna is trying to do...!
