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Let us learn lessons

“Do your duty; do not expect fruits out of it” these Gita golden words have lost its value in this Kali Yuga. “Desire is the root cause of all miseries” these Buddha words have no significance in this 21st century.  “For every action there is equal and opposite reaction” this is Law of Motion, science. Everyone has desire, varied types, to attain their desire, ready to do any acts whether immoral or criminal. What made people to be greedy and go after wealth. Are the wealthy people doing everything rightly in their pursuit? Do they remember and recollect the moral they had been taught from their childhood? Are they crazy and frenzy?

Everyone knows that they do not take away anything with them after death. This is the open truth. Inspite of this known truth, why many go after money and accumulate wealth for them. What is the pleasure they enjoy? Are they really feeling happy? To acquire wealth, earn more than rightful due, many people get into corruption, misappropriation of funds, stealing, cheating and fraudulent practice and even go to the extent of murdering. Persons commanding very high dignity in society such as Judges, Ministers, Police Commissioners, who are all supposed to be role model to others, are widely involved in such heinous acts. These shameful persons are showing way to their subordinates and the entire system becomes hanky panky. No one wants to work under them for their pay but expect everyday their pocket money filled by illegal means. Ultimately the mass of people, needy, poor and unaffordable get affected.

Ego, comparison, fame and greediness drive the human mind to go against ethics. No religion or Vedas or God or Stringent Rules could do any change in their mind unless one recognize and realize what they do. Until then the society is the victim. Let us learn lessons.



