Why Do You Believe?
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why do you believe?

Human mind has the tendency to believe anything. In general, mankind has been nurtured by culture and society to believe anything. Mind is nothing but brain and it is very powerful, can process and compute faster and quicker than a Super Computer. Since humans came into existence, they lived in harmony with nature. Education was affordable to affluent society and to common man it is a distant fruit. So, thinking was lacking in them and readily believed everything. A belief is an unverifiable concept carried over by generation to generation. God is one such belief. Lateral thinking happens in brain when one starts the process of thinking with why and how.

Discovery and Invention are the products of Lateral Thinking. When apple fruit fell down, Newton used his lateral thinking to invent the gravitational pull of earth and Incubator by Thomas Alwa Edition. Scientist and researcher use this lateral thinking obviously.  One can start this by thinking exactly opposite to normal way of thinking. Everything has two sides/views such as coin has two sides, positive and negative charges, day and night, light and dark. When the approach to an issue pondered in different angle and perception, the solution is imminent. That is why, third party intervention, arbitration, conciliation and judiciary come into picture when there is a dispute or case.

In those days, religion and science were controlled by religious society. That time, it was believed that earth is flat and centre for sun and other planets. Aristotle and Ptolemy thought 2000 years ago that the Universe is earth centered and this concept was continued until Galileo Galilee, 1564 – 1642, Italian born scientist, inventor of telescope, revealed his thesis that earth is not flat and it is spherical (round). For his thesis he was charged for heresy and blasphemy, he was brought to Rome, house arrested and killed by then Christian religious society. When Nicolaus Copernicus, a polish astronomer, who lived in 16th century, released his theory that Sun is the centre and other planets including earth revolve around it. This theory was supported by his contemporaries and widely accepted by all. Recently, Vatican Pope openly apologized for the killing of Galileo for the mistake of then religious society. This incident of Galileo is elucidated here how a belief led into a killing.

The development of science and technology dismantled many beliefs and superstition. In 21st century, the advancement of science and technology brought things into live, but hard to believe. Computer, cell phone, internet, television, modern gadgets etc., made the life of common man easy and comfortable. Education and knowledge enlightened their approach and because of this, these superstitions found no place in younger generations. Nowadays, Education is available to all and it gives knowledge. Reading books improve the knowledge further. Knowledgeable person just simply does not believe anything but introspect and then believes. Unless asking questions, truth cannot be ascertained. Asking questions is a step of lateral thinking and need not be considered as superfluous. Let us read a lot, improve knowledge and decide what to believe.

