Latest postings by Zawahir Siddique
greatest motivation in life comes from the urge to chase your destiny!
at all the good things in life you have t ...more>>
There is no shortcut to success is hard to swallow. We may
accept this theory, but we still look for shortcuts to succeed in life.
I'm n ...more>>
of this Mantra before? Umpteen times, eh? Does it work for you? It has worked
for me. Many times. It continues to do wonders ...more>>
Incremental Change is a jargon
used in HR Strategy formulation, Change Management Seminars and among OD
Consultants. And, these da ...more>>
Every day and every moment in our
lives are special. Some days and some moments bring out the best attention and
focus. The first ...more>>
Sixteen families live in sixteen flats in the same apartment I live. Apart from my family (thanks God I know them!), I have only ever intera ...more>>
I have always tried to explain
the mood that a holiday can groom. How often do we get into a lethargic mood on
a Sunday? I have always ...more>>