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Latest postings by Atma Prakash Nayak

A person in power and responsibility must use his influence to enrich the lives of those who are the most deserving. Nepotism and favoritism ...more>>
In an essay about “your class teacher” the students of my college wrote very highly of my teaching style and my over all personality. Th ...more>>
For the last few months I had not used the mirror to see my physical appearance intently. I mean, I used to comb my hair hurriedly and used ...more>>
Bringing our thinking process to nobler and more positive direction is always aspired for but this seemingly easy task can not be attained a ...more>>
That night mother yelled with great pain and was rushed to the near by hospital.At that time I was a boy of 9 years and I could understand l ...more>>
The night was spent in the train compartment. The major enjoyment in the train generally happens to take the food which is paddled inside th ...more>>
Some times extreme mental disturbance and unrest induce a strong desire for some mental appeasement. Most often such sought after mental con ...more>>
A few days’ break from the habit of creative thinking slipped me into monotony and reduced drastically my sensitivity to life. Day by da ...more>>
The fear to get lost in the average crowd often grips the mind. But this fear is too feeble to provide a launching thrust to individuality. ...more>>
The life of an individual and his surroundings greatly influence each other. It would be more appropriate to say that life’s gradual progr ...more>>
For the last few days I was regularly updating my blog. But yesterday I missed. I did not care much to sit silently for a few minutes and ma ...more>>
Man shows an irresistible hunger for dominating the world around and satiate his egotism.In this process many constructive and noble ideas ...more>>
somebody has said," When you are alone, nobody can hurt you.".To some extent the idea may hold good but on the contrary ,a life cocooned ...more>>
It is foolish to curse darkness. What it needs is just lighting a lamp.The darkness will disappear of its own accord. The darkness which ...more>>
Life is filled with many unexpected turns. It takes very little time when a sweet relationship turns sour. A smile changes to a vicious fr ...more>>
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