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Latest postings by captainjohann samuhanand

     Google Jam is a sort of Mental Olympics  contest for Code creators in  software.Nearly 17 percent were In ...more>>
    The Combined task force 150 which had 16 countries originally is now reduced to 7 countries namely  USA,UK, ...more>>
ThopukaranamWhen my friend sent me this youtube attachment, I was awestruck but it also brought back very fond memories of my child hood sch ...more>>
Suddenly Indians are wondering what hit them. They were comfortable with Bush but now this so called new Messiah of world Barack Hussein Oba ...more>>
46 Indian students have left Australia for good loosing lakhs of rupess to their parents who preferred to have their children live i ...more>>
NON PROLIFERATION AGENDA OF OBAMA The re hyphenation has began. The US media which is a policy arm of that nation has got into the act.The l ...more>>
"And thou shalt 'love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,with all thy soul, and with all ...more>>
President Abraham Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, ...more>>