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Latest postings by Rajesh A Shrotriya

•try to lose weight if you are above your ideal body.this should be a gradual process,so avoid any fat diets or quick weight loss method ...more>>
According to swami vishnu devananda, meditation is "….a continuous flow of perception or thought, just like the flow of water in a river ...more>>
Beauty tips " dharmaarthou sthreeshu lakshmishcha sthreeshulokaaha prathishtithaaha |suroopaa yauvanasthaa yaa lakshanairyaa vibhooshithaa | ...more>>
cervical spondylosis Cervical spondylosis is a disorder that happens with age. this happens due to degeneration of the bon ...more>>
Ayurveda has the cure of any disease. It is a complete and approved system of medicatio ...more>>
The prevalence of asthma has increased markedly in recent decades. Asthma and asthma symptoms among children and adolescents have increased ...more>>
Anti – biotics are a large group of chemical substances produced by organisms and are toxic to some other organisoms. Anti biotics like pe ...more>>
About honeybees: 1. Did you know that honey bees have 4 wings?2. The honeybee’s wings stroke 11,400 times per minute, thus making their d ...more>>
In sanskrit the daily routine is called as “dinacharya”. It means to merge your daily cycle with the natural cycle of the sun, moon, ear ...more>>
The word prameha is derived from the 'miha sechane' which means watering. Pra means excess of urine in both frequency and volume. Prameha, t ...more>>
In simple terms, obesity is being more than one-fifth overweight as compared to the normal weight range. Obesity can be d ...more>>
Ayurveda is the combined essence derived from indian visions and experiences of many indian legends that deeply involved in classic ayurvedi ...more>>
Ayurveda, as the name implies is truly a science of ‘life’. It is not only a healing science, but it’s a guide to live an ideal living ...more>>
Below is something every one should know concerning present AYURVEDA. @ Ayurveda believes that the entire plant is beneficial, the moment ...more>>
Ayurveda is based on the belief that nothing is right for everyone and everything is right for someone. This belief comes from an understand ...more>>