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We all know the meaning of LIFE. We got burn for doing some creative work in Earth. We must be understand the Basic AIM of Life. Why our parents gave birth to us. What the necessities.

1) First thing is to be increasing their offspring.

2) Take care of their property.

3) Take care of their old age.

4) Take care of their Society.

5) Take care of their Nation.

6) Take care of their World.

So for fulfilling of any responsibilities, we must have the qualification and knowledge. I am not only talking about BE / MBA / MBBS / CA /CS / MCA / IT QUALIFICATION. I am saying that with these Qualification we should have the knowledge of some Good things Like self respect, Love, caring, Fidelity, Patience, Hope for good out come, Belief on ourselves , Respect to their Parents, Teachers & all living being, Endeavor, Truth, Help to others, & Discipline. By the help of these qualifications, you must be able to acheive the Motto of your life. Without the knowledge or habits of good things, we could not find any results of Degree courses. So for getting the high result of these qualifications, we should do the work with the knowledge of good habits and than find the result as better as you wants. Initially, we should face some difficulties, but with help of this knowledge we can able to overcome the difficulties and achieve the Target. Due this phenomenon activity your level of confidence is increases day by day. At last you can able to do our responsibilities. (Responsibility of Family, Society, Nation and World)

We are HUMAN BIENGS so we must live like a Human Being. Not like an animal. Animals live for themselves. Animal can search the food for itself and their children. They can sex with different animal having the same spices. But we find some Human being is too living their life like ANIMALS. They think that their life is only for enjoyment and they forget the limitation. So now, from that day, we should all try to understand the Meaning of our Life. For help you read the autobiography of Shree Swami Vivekananda, Mahatama Gandhi, and Mother Taresa and many holly people who gave born here & they inspired us by their way of life. We must understand our power. God create a very POWERFUL LIVING BIENG IN EARTH CALLED HUMAN BIENG.

Now-a- days, we found that the person earns money for their Family only. They purchase or make the properties for him, Purchase luxury Vehicle, Costly house goods, and investing rest of the amount for their children. Why? Are you thinking that your kids are also capable as you are? They got all habits that you have? They can able to build-up their property? Dear if you think like that so I think you are the biggest loser of your life. You do not completely understand the basic needs of the life. Work for the sake of development of Nation. This is our prior RESPONSIBILTY. Just realize the Truth and think about it. Our Next generation needs Fresh ; Healthy & DEVELOP Nation.
